Movies with excellent openings that the rest of the movie doesn't live up to?
Superman:The Movie
Catch Me If You Can
Superman:The Movie
Catch Me If You Can
Avengers: Age of Ultron - Still the best opening of any superhero movie, yet one of the worst overall.
shareAs far as it having the best opening I would agree with you if it weren't for William's mighty Superman theme. I'm not much of a Superman fan ... but I recognize quality and that theme is quality. It's probably the only thing (other than Reeves) people remember from the '78 Superman -- and with good reason.
shareThe Avengers theme, while not as iconic, is not too shabby either.
shareYes, it's excellent. As is Zimmer's theme for "Man of Steel." In time -- who knows? -- maybe both themes will become more iconic than William's. Still, I think William's theme will probably always remain in the Top 5 of Greatest Movie Themes Ever (even though it's essentially the Star Wars theme -- though a better version of that theme, imho).
Leading the crap moments were Hackman and Beatty. I love them both ... but they were far too lightweight to be convincing comic book villains.
Jurassic Park 3.
shareWhen A Stranger Calls (1979).
shareAmityville 3
shareThe Abyss.
shareWhen a Stranger Calls.
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Melancholia (2006)