MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > That newish Geico commercial

That newish Geico commercial

I feel like the Geico commercial with the talking lobster in the hot tub says a lot about women. They just got married, the husband seems to be happy, cool and welcoming of the lobster, whereas his lame wife is perturbed by this new unwelcome guest and she becomes standoffish.


It's not a private pool. Lobsters welcome ! That said, it's a little lame. Took me a while to understand the last line, which I can't remember at the moment.


I felt like the commercial was well done and the lobster was a pretty chill dude.


I'm tough when it comes to commercials. Most are silly and stupid and repeated waaay too often. I seriously wonder why advertisers treat consumers like complete dolts. Drink beer and you will hang out with college girls in bikinis. Love in the Afternoon !


Ok when you say that you are tough when it comes to commercials, you're insinuating that I am not? Dude, said commercial in question has over 10 million views on youtube since Feb 22nd. That's a lot of views in such a short amount of time. Maybe all those millions of viewers are as easily entertained and as stupid as I am. OR...maybe you're just a snob?


"Dude, said commercial in question has over 10 million views on youtube since Feb 22nd."

That's amazing! Since I haven't had TV in years, I haven't seen the commercial. One of the reasons I ditched TV is I dislike watching commercials, so for so many people to voluntarily watch this one on YouTube boggles my mind.

Here, I'll make your link live.

You can do that yourself if you click on the 'formatting help" link under the window when you click on reply.




It's just a commercial. I tend to not like commercials. Your attitude toward commercials is of no interest to me, but this seemed like a simple little topic I could comment on. I didn't even remember what it was for (which is normal). I like the yard sale one better.
As far as being a snob, I'm not sure what the difference between snobbishness and having personal preferences is. We aren't talking about rich people talking down to poor people here. I suggest you take a chill pill.


I would never date you.


??? Ookay then ....


I don't recall this one.


I youtubed this one
, never heard of it before...just a silly commercial really

They are just looking for the new Afleck Duck character and failed badly
It was pretty stupid


They weren't going for a new brand character or brand mascot you dumb ass. It's just a random commercial.


EVERY commercial should be a win you fool (they can cost tens of thousands of dollars dummy, they are not playing with Monopoly money!)

Why would a gigantic multi million
dollar company retain a stupid writer that made an awfully silly commercial?
Surely, your're not that stupid (I'm starting to suspect you are;)


He takes his commercials seriously.


Dead serious(ly).


This is good to know GotWood. πŸ‘πŸ‘


what an A-hole. I had the respect to wait a whole year before I called you dumb.




I cant stand that progressive lady, though it's a good gig for her, it has run its course with me


She's not the maid, and anything Progressive is cool in my book. :-D


what? she is the face of progressive, i'm not trying to be sexist. I just think the commercials are annoying at this point.
