
Don't listen to much electronica and similar genres, but I thought this song was great.


That is a good tune. 👍👍👍👍


Frusciante from the peppers. I bought his first solo album, don’t like his solo stuff much but I’m glad he’s still making his music.


His first few albums aren't good imo. He was still struggling with alcohol and drugs at that point.
2004-2009 was his golden era.
I listen to his shit every day.

Here's another one of my favorites.

And if your into long, mellow, chilled out guitar solo's, these two are gems.


Uh wtf Padeen?! Wow, I clearly wrote him off too soon. Dude those last 2? Unbelievable. Thank you for opening my ears to this, beautiful.


No prob and I'm glad you liked it. I agree, it is beautiful. His music has helped me through some tough times, especially his guitar solo's. That last song is from his album "The Empyrean", which is one of my favorites.

This is probably his most well known song from that album.


I’m actually really excited about this. I’m going to delve deep into his stuff now. You have no idea, I was such a huge peppers fan. I don’t mean I heard Under the Bridge and liked them. I was listening to them way back, Freaky Styley was my favorite but I love all their old stuff.
I used to get made fun of in middle school for liking them because it was weird or something. Fast forward a few years and all those dickheads starting showing up at all my music shows. I hated that.
I always loved frusciante, and I’m so glad he found his path. Navarro worked for janes but was a horrible fit for the peppers. You have enlightened me padeen! I’m off to explore some new sounds. ✌🏻
