MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone think Prometheus is underrated?

Anyone think Prometheus is underrated?

I love that movie, honestly my fav Alien film.


Excellent cast
So-so movie
7.0 rating seems about right to me


Nah, it's appropriately rated.


No, not really. BTW, my fav is Alien. You can seldom improve upon the original.



Alien is still pretty scary!
Great movie


Yes it is.



it sits in a slightly odd spot for me in that i think it's terrible in some ways (hackneyed writing, silly creationist-style plot), & almost regard it as an act of violence towards the first film, which i love to death, yet i've watched it 3 or 4 times & actually find it a compulsively re-watchable film, even though every time i watch it i find myself cringing at the things i find so silly in it.

can you really say you hate a movie that you watch again & again?

regardless, i'm glad you like it.





See I always saw it as more ancient aliens than biblical, and about as good of a take on it as any I’ve seen. The visuals and set design are stunning.


The audio is also top notch, and some of the best 3d available.

Its one of my top 10 movies.


oh, it's definitely a 'chariots of the gods' ancient aliens story.
i used creationist as a catch-all term, in that the movie, to the extent you can tease this information out of it, seemed to take an anti-evolution pov.


I thinks it's decent, Never understood why it gets so much grief.


maybe its the silly old man ,[spoiler]who thinks its his god given right to demand more life from his creator like he's demanding a refund from a late pizza delivery guy[/spoiler]


Or maybe its the crazy robot , [spoiler]who on discovering gods own country runs round like a kid in a sweetshop playing with things and pressing buttons[/spoiler]

These spoiler tags dont work properly!


I don't know why they didn't just cast James Cromwell, Max Von Sydow or another oldie looking actor in that role, As good as Guy Pierce is that makeup never convinces.


For me two scientists thinking an alien snake was a cute little puppy was ridiculous. Then one becomes a zombie? Terrible. I liked aspects but too many dumb things.


Yeah that’s the worst part, the snake/zombie fieffiel. A little editing could make it a flawed masterpiece.


The best part was thinking that engineers brought life to earth. Cool concept.


Yeah for sure


Not for me. It was tedious to get through and didn't even remind me of an Alien movie.


I liked it better on second viewing.


It has high rewatchability


sure is.
