MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > High school debate team disqualified for...

High school debate team disqualified for citing Jordan Peterson, a "white supremacist"

The debate question was about immigration. Team A refused to debate on the grounds that Team B was "privlidged causacians". They read a "slam poem" instead, about how white people are evil. Team B responded by arguing against identity politics and citing Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. The judge then said that those two were "white supremacists" and that he was going to disqualify team B for causing "psychological violence" to team A and "endangering the safety of other students".

Does anyone understand this? I've seen high school debates before, where the two sides each perform rap songs instead of debating. There's something very wrong with the high school debate program. Can anyone explain why team A was not immediately disqualified for failing to engage?




Society has gone mad and the school system is ground zero.



Nobody understand why a team isn't disqualified for refusing to debate?
