MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which animal, personality wise, is close...

Which animal, personality wise, is closest to a human?

I’m thinking cats, because they like to do as they please, not what they’re told, and like their chill out time. Dogs get along with humans but that doesn’t mean they’re similar to humans.


Either the Chimpanzee, Gorilla, or Gray Wolf (at least, the Gray Wolf is said to share some aspects of morality similar to humans.)


Chimps and bonobos. They are our cousins after all.

Highly recommend chimpanzee politics by Franz de wall. Fascinating look into similarities of culture and behavior between humans and chimps.


Goats. Goats are just smart enough to figure out ways to destroy stuff, and they'll do it if they aren't stopped. Just like us!




Sloths. At least in my case.
