MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Let's say the voters in your country ele...

Let's say the voters in your country elect an incompetent person as your leader.

A year passes, and the leader's approval rating is below 10 percent. It is evident that all kinds of strife is caused by their actions. Do you think the voters who voted for that leader "deserve" to get what they asked for?


We're stuck with Theresa May, She took over as Prime Minister by default but her days are numbered by the look of it. I thought she was ok at first but with all these Brexit negotiations she seems in over her head.


Didn't she survive that recent no-confidence vote? (Sorry if I'm not really educated about British politics.)


Yep on Dec 12th last year, it was 200 to 117 which keeps her safe for a year.

As opposed to here in Australia where you can do it as much as you like, Malcolm Turnbull on Aug 21st 2018 survived 48 votes to 35, but then 3 days later lost 45 votes to 40.


She survived but once we leave in March I honestly think she'll resign. Lots of rumours around that and it must be a hell of a strain on her as well. It's a thankless job, money's not great and I doubt there's much chance of a "to hell with it I'm switching my phone off today".


They already have elected an incompetent person --Donald Trump. I hope the people who voted for him regret their decision.


Why should you be allowed to undermine democracy?

Our leaders start wars and bail out banks. If the worst you can say about one is that he is "incompetent", then that's not strife you're suffering from. That's payback, and you're getting off easy. The issue here is fairness. If you're gonna delegate power/trade liberty for safety, you deserve neither, says Ben Franklin.


The Political Parties here in Australia get rid of them when the approval rating drops to around 28%.

No Joke:

Kevin Rudd: Dec 2007 - June 2010
Julia Gillard: June 2010 - June 2013
Kevin Rudd: June 2013 - Sept 2013.
Tony Abbott: Sept 2013 - Sept 2015
Malcolm Turnbull: Sept 2015 - Aug 2018
Scott Morrison: Aug 2018 - Incumbent.

First 3 are Labor and last 3 are Liberal, so over 11 years we've had 6 Prime Ministers, 7 if you count John Howard who lost the election on Dec 03rd 2007 (served from Mar 1996 - Dec 2007), of course we vote for the Party not the leader. Elections were held in 2007 (Howard lost/Rudd won), 2010 (Gillard won), 2013 (Rudd lost/Abbott Won), 2016 (Turnbull won), next election is possibly happening in May this year.


In Australia their own party gets rid of them and the people who voted them in get no say.
