MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Kevin Spacy sexual-abuse case:SNOWFL...

The Kevin Spacy sexual-abuse case:SNOWFLAKES who dont' know what abuse is

I never was a fan or was interested in Spacey, but it's another pampered crybaby scenario with an 18 yr old man ruining a man's life because Spacey put his hand down his pants. He was not help in captivity and exposed to rape. All he needs to do is jerk the man's hand away and tell him to F-off. I am not referring to the alleged 14 yr olds.

I am especially bugged by the mother with tears in her eyes (and Kleenex) in the Massachusetts courtroom crying over her 18 YEAR OLD son who was "assaulted" in a bar where he should not have been, accepting drinks from Spacey, The mother used to be a TV anchor and likely thinks she's special as she protects her adult son. This is not like The Accused with a woman gang-raped on a pool tale (also in Massachusetts, and played by Jodie Foster)

There are parents who dont' even believe when their children come to them and explain how they were used for sex--even by their own relatives-- and in a traumatic way. They are disbelieved and scoffed at. Yet we have this middle-aged coddling mom who thinks her precious son is so victimized.

These occurrences have been happening forever, and is not rape. Men even play around and put their hands down each other pants. It's not a life-longstanding crisis of trauma, and feeling worthless.

Another example of our selfish society ruining a man's life, which can be worse than what the man, himself, is accused of being. And it's not "look how empowering we are-- let's catch all the predators"--matter. They are just putting band-aids on things because they feel helpless with the really horrible things happening in society; to feel good about how noble they are, and to gain attention for themselves.

And no, Spacey does not deserve prison time for putting his hand down a man's pants--the 18 yr old did not suffer any damages that warrants it, but likely just wants to segue into some a civil suit, another selfish entitlement these days: money, money, money is owed to everybody.

Look at poor Amber Heard , already receiving her 9 million dollar divorce settlement, from Johnny Depp, speaking before Congress, like this 30 yr old knows what being a battered woman is actually like.


This has happened to me multiple times as a young woman and I never sued anyone or went to the police.


Do you mean being groped or more serious violation? The question is if it traumatized you for life, drove to a shrink, made you feel worthless--or if it was an uncomfortable moment, but you accepted the degree of violation for what it was.


I'm talking about what happened to this guy, which is just groping. It stopped when I made clear it was unwanted, so the pathetic attempts of these guys just made me laugh. No trauma.


any woman from the drive-in era has been groped (that's almost what drive-ins were popular for: making out), and women either would, or would not allow it before it went to far.

What's missing from the tally still is:
Female on male "sex-assault", because a man is supposed to be 'yahoo" due to his testosterone, and unnerved by it--and the woman being cute and "lovin" if she gropes him. Then women criticize men for being intensive or indifferent. What do they want from men, then? For all we know, just as many females think it's fun also, (or are insensitive) to the same exact thing. And not too long ago, male/male molestation was not taken seriously either.

Nothing personal, what makes females think they are extra special and their body so esoteric and full of mystique. You read articles on how women describe how their bodies are misunderstood and need such tender consideration.

You sound unlike the sheep , and actually think it through. People today (at least the ones who make sermons) only react to the present hype about assault, or not. Look how the sheep are staying away from the topic right now.


ive been groped by a women as a young adult, years later my brother slept with her, i liked it though but wasnt quick enough to get any


moral of the story : if you are worth multitudes of millions, be careful how you act with strangers, mere acquaintances.

you are a walking pinata. i actually liked spacey, thought he was a very good actor. but he forgot that rule.

another - don't initiate sex with minors - a good policy even for peasants.


yes, but:
They are pressing criminal charges. I dont' agree with the one case in progress (the other ones are past the limitations), He is 18 yrs old. So , they will be unfairly using the 14 yr old accuser from 30 yrs ago as bias.

To sue even a multi-millionaire, you still have money to retain a lawyer--and there is no guarantee. (contingency on these cases? meh)


i get your point. maybe the jury should give the guy 10 bucks and tell him to blow his nose.

if its a jury trial, i dont think you are going to get a verdict to convict on a grope. we'll see.


there may another accuser underage currently, I'd have to re-read the article.

But, what is annoying (ref: my first post) are the people, society itself. I have to remind myself that there are 18 yr olds (and older) who are either so coddled and never had a real problem-- or his mommy having this bizarre (in my opinion) duty to speak out like her son was really victimized. And yet, I'm sure her crowd thinks she's being "brave". Do people know what pain really is? This only makes young people to soft to handle life if it ever hits them hard.


Lets all blame the victims! Yeah! Burn the witch!


He doesn't deserve prison time but he still shouldn't have fucking done it!


aw...meanwhile, other 18 yr olds fondle and grope each other for fun--but, it's not "assault". Hey got some news for ya: the little man who accuses Spacy snapchatted/taped the encounter. How interesting,

And he said the fondling went on for 3 whole minutes, and dear, he just could not escape Spacy's hand in that time-span. Of course not, he was too bust filming the encounter. He even admits he approached Spacey and had Spacey keeping the drinks $$ coming his way.

The other accuser(s) , most are actors who flopped, and likely are mad because Spacy would not fund them. Yeah, the 60 yr olds are easy prey for youngsters who were never taught right from wrong --especially from wealthy stuck-up Nantucket, MASS.
Ya bunch of hypocrites, and the crybaby-mommy of an 18 yr old with the tears. Times have changed.


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