Why is health care so expensive?
Health care covers things people don't need, and doesn't cover things people do need.
For example health care doesn't cover glasses or laser eye surgery. It doesn't cover teeth cleaning or braces. It doesn't cover gym memberships tanning salons or vitamins or organic food. Except under specific circumstances it won't even cover blood tests or at home equipment for monitoring blood pressure pulse and other vital signs so you can manage your own health more efficiently and cheaply.
But here's what health care does cover: Sex change, club med drug rehab, AIDS, estrogen birth control pills but not condoms which also protect against STDs, psychotherapy, Prozac and Ritalin, alcoholism, and vaccines which contain mercury but not premium vaccines which don't.
Why aren't we allow to buy different insurance plans which suit our specific risk profiles? There is also price discrimination which we used to have but is illegal now. Poor healthy people shouldn't be paying as much as rich sick people.
Hospitals are staffed by morbidly obese nurses who smoke and vending machines stocked with Coca-Cola and twinkies, the doctors are all from India and most have taken zero classes in either human nutrition or physiology, and half the space is for administrators who file paperwork for the government to keep track of us.
People say America just needs a different system but this is obviously false because we can see that drugs are cheaper in Canada (although still at more than 10,000% markup) which has nothing to do with any system. America just has a lot more regulation of copyright and licensing. That's why that guy was able to raise the price on Epipens, no competitor was allowed challenge him. Also, America's Medicare system alone, which is fully socialist, is more expensive than Canada's entire system, so if anything socialism (which means higher demand for healthcare) makes it more expensive. Sometimes people say the profit motive is bad. In America we kick you out of a hospital bed in two days to make room for the next patient whereas in Canada you can stay for a week. Again, this is not a different system. This is the same system of comoulsory private insurance. Canada is just cheaper because they do more rationing. They keep healthy people in hospital bed and sick people remain on the waitlist, because this is cheaper. Both countries have the same number of hospital beds per capita, and it has declined over time. It begs another obvious question. Why aren't there more hospital beds? Why don't we just make more? The answer is socialism and the need for rationing.
I think health care should be illegal.