MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Fun Halloween specials for a general aud...

Fun Halloween specials for a general audience?

Spookier than Nickelodeon fare but not too scary. The Tim Burton stuff, Young Frankenstein, Coraline. It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is good for the shorter attentions spans.

Would prefer to stay away from serialized TV episodes. Better to have something that can stand on its own. But stuff like Simpsons Treehouse of Horror might work, since they're often done in the Twilight Zone format of self-contained universes.


Some fun ones for slightly older kids: Gargoyles (72)
Gremlins (84)
Fright Night (85)


Gargoyles (72); slow-motion monsters will never be seen the same way again! (^ ^) One of the most baffling endings to a movie to be seen.


I might be alone in liking this movie...
It scared the hell out of me as a little kid so i showed to my kids
They told me it was lame:(


The special effects were stunning in their day. It's just aged horribly! I enjoyed it. That makes two of us, amigo!


The original Frankenweenie short film. It's better than the animated movie.


Oh, cool. I never even knew that was done in live action. Thanks to those who have responded. All excellent suggestions & I've already found most through streaming options.

BTW-does anyone remember animation done in the style of Ed Gorey? He did the PBS Mystery! theme:

Simpsons referenced it with Dark Stanley. But I thought I remembered something else with those visuals. And I'm not finding anything else on Gorey's IMDB page.


Hotel Transylvania 1, 2 and 3.


I was always desperate to find 'Halloween is Grinch Night' because everyone told me I made it up. It's on YouTube but I haven't watched it yet as I'm afraid that it was never on tv again because it was really bad.

I always liked Disney's Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1949) as well.


Goosebumps "The Haunted Mask" part 1 & 2.


The Monster Squad (1987) ⤵️


"Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island" fits the ticket. The gang comes together again, more mature compared to their previous adventures. Don't want to give away anything for those with plans to see this but their situation is presented as actually being in serious danger. This would be one of the last movies of Scooby-Doo to strictly be under their native Hanna-Barbara label, before one of its co-founders died, giving ownership to Warner Brothers. There's a real sense of a passing of the torch because of this. This was voice actress Mary Kay Bergman's last time performing for the role of Daphne before committing suicide November 11th of 1999, two months after the video's release. It's one of the more exciting ones for adults too.
