MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 2001, Clockwork, Barry Lyndon, Shining

2001, Clockwork, Barry Lyndon, Shining

I consider this 4 film run to be the best in history. Dare I say it is a shining sample of what is possible in the area of visual storytelling. Which of these 4 Kubrick films is your favorite?

Mine is Barry Lyndon, I love it so much, but the rest come so very close it's an ever changing opinion really.


Aw man the hardest question ever asked.
Barry Lyndon is insane. That's cool that it's your favorite, it seems to get overlooked a lot.
I don't know if I could pick between 2001 and The Shining. Possibly the best sci-fi film vs. possibly the best horror film?


It's a toughie, I know.


I like Barry Lyndon best. The Irish highwaymen should have been in it more though. I had to explain that scene to someone not long ago. It was to a Japanese viewer who just didn't get the humour.


2001 is my favourite of those. All are great and I own all 4 on blu ray.


Barry Lyndon is a beautiful movie. Of those four, I'd have to go with Clockwork though.


A Clockwork Orange was the first Kubrick movie I saw. I love it, and I'm glad it was first, because it has more of a traditional plot progression that some if the others, and I may not have given the others a chance if I had seen 2001 or The Shining first. Clockwork is a great intro to Kubrick because it's dialogue heavy, and it draws you into a vivid darkness and hilarity at a pretty quick pace.


I have never seen Barry Lyndon. What is it about ??


It's about young Irish guy who wants to makes something of himself, and he sleazes his way all across Europe during the mid to late 1700s. It has very similar elements to A Clockwork Orange, but set in a classical period. It has the most beautiful imagery of any of his films, and Kubrick developed lenses to shoot many scenes using only candle light. It looks light a painting. It's also very darkly comedic like Clockwork.


I agree with 2001 at #1, and Clockwork at #2. But after that I would put Casablanca at #3, and Citizen Kane at #4.

