I'm an addict
So many things
I'm really good at giving things up, but they still nag at me, months, even years later.
It's been 1 year since I quit caffeinated beverages. About 7 months of no marijuana. 5.5 years of no cigarettes. Some days I don't think about this stuff at all, and some days it's all the time. Being an addict sucks. I'm thankful I never tried heroin. I was offered. I had about 2 solid weeks of being a coke fiend before I stopped, although I've dabbled a couple times since. Every time I think about cocaine I have an intense desire to find some and do it, and I haven't done any for more than 5 years. That's how serious this shit is. I'm good at quitting, but man does it take some discipline. The only thing left is alcohol, and although I like it, I could do without. The only thing is that I write so much better when I'm a little boozed. I only wish I never tried any of it. Our brains work so much better on their own. Psychedelics are very fun, and mind-opening, but who knows how many years of my sanity they've shaved off. Smokey says, only you can prevent brain fires.