I'm an addict

So many things

I'm really good at giving things up, but they still nag at me, months, even years later.

It's been 1 year since I quit caffeinated beverages. About 7 months of no marijuana. 5.5 years of no cigarettes. Some days I don't think about this stuff at all, and some days it's all the time. Being an addict sucks. I'm thankful I never tried heroin. I was offered. I had about 2 solid weeks of being a coke fiend before I stopped, although I've dabbled a couple times since. Every time I think about cocaine I have an intense desire to find some and do it, and I haven't done any for more than 5 years. That's how serious this shit is. I'm good at quitting, but man does it take some discipline. The only thing left is alcohol, and although I like it, I could do without. The only thing is that I write so much better when I'm a little boozed. I only wish I never tried any of it. Our brains work so much better on their own. Psychedelics are very fun, and mind-opening, but who knows how many years of my sanity they've shaved off. Smokey says, only you can prevent brain fires.


Alcohol lowers our inhibitions, so of course writing on it is easier. If I had to choose between the two, though, it would be the green. It can be imbibed in ways that avoid health drawbacks, unlike alcohol. I've had limited experience with psychedelics, but that has nevertheless prepared me for everything to follow since.


Quitting things you have an addiction to is like a whole trip in and of itself. I went 12 years smoking weed all day every day, and the last 7 months have been like a new life.


I am of the mind that unsavory habits need to be replaced by positive ones if they are to remain discarded.



I just replaced with exercise and writing. They have been going very well for a while now.


What are you writing?


I have 3 screenplays currently in the works, and I write poetry every day. Some are songs, others not. I write drum beats, I write television pilots, I have at least one that is more of a stageplay, I have 10 short films that I've made on 16mm. Saving for a nice DSLR. I write sketches for short comedy films, and I have bits that I'm about to debut for standup.


Cool. Keep at it, and write me a postcard someday!


No you're not...


Ok bro good talk



When I was stoned (weed) I would get great ideas, but I couldn't develop them into much. A little alcohol does indeed afford me the ability to get the seed and germinate it to fruition. It's undeniable. When I am sober, I am okay, but a little juice goes a long way. Too much is definitley bad for the process though.
