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I went on vacation

I recently went on vacation to the Black Hills of South Dakota. Non-United Statesians may know it as the location of Mount Rushmore, but it's so much more than that. I think this was my 4th time in the area but certainly the first that I spent a week there. So much to do and see, and I was able to avoid the internet for quite some time, very refreshing.


Sounds great. I just got back as well.


Where to?


Nova Scotia - I went to the Titanic exhibit and graveyard. I know you have an interest in the Titanic.


Yes you were telling me all about it. I will have to start saving once again but I will go for sure. I've only been to Canada a couple times and just the edges of the Great Lakes when I sailed across them. I want to explore the country more.



Oh yes both, Crazy Horse was the best of all.



No, I want to do a whole trip just devoted to yellowstone. I did go out to Devil's Tower on my recent trip. I love the region.



Welcome back Pete
Ive never been there but some interesting historical spots for sure
Someday maybe
