Salem's Lot


I'm watching it now, great fun and better than I remember, looks great on Blu Ray.

I've been rewatching all of Tobe Hooper's films. I love Texas Chainsaw, The Funhouse, and Texas Chainsaw 2. He does a commentary for Salem's Lot that I will listen to later. I love commentaries and he's a super interesting guy. I like Poltergeist but there is a lot of controversy over whether he actually directed or Spielberg did and just put Tobe's name on it.


Isn't it great? I loved the book. It was the first Stephen King book I had ever read.
NEVER had I known of a modern day Vampire story like that! I'd always seen those Christopher Lee films! This was different! This King guy made it real! This actually took place in a setting I could relate to.
I was excited to see this on television years later.
In all honesty, this was a surprisingly fine adaptation! That is saying a whole LOT for a TV movie.
Small pun intended.....


I've never really given King a chance, but am reading The Shinning right now since its one of my favorite movies and am enjoying the hell out of it. Do you have any other suggestions besides Salems Lot?


The Dead Zone is pretty good.
If you have time, try The Stand. It's one long book. It can also serve as a fine door stop! LOL!
It is an amazing story though.
If you like a bit of time travel, try 11.22.63. Another TOME, but what a great love story!
I have other recommendations, but for now, that should be enough.


Thanks. I'll check out The Stand since I like the genre. I don't mind a long book either. Just finished Shantaram which was almost 1,000 pages I think.



Welcome back Pete:)

Hooper directed over 30 projects, nearly all were in the Horror genre and sadly he passed about a year ago...

'Eaten Alive' is one of his that nobody talks about
It was a pretty fun Drive-In/Grindhouse movie with a huge Croc in a Southern/Hillbilly horror setting
Primo stuff!

Salem's Lot was a scary it 3 times and it's just great



It was one of Hooper's early ones
And yes, some lunatic owned a bar in Texas and fed women to his giant gator...pretty nasty stuff, maybe scarier than Hooper's story tbh
