MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever made a fan edit?

Ever made a fan edit?

Video editing is fun. I've been wanting to tackle an edit of a movie that I think needs some changes. Top of my list are a Star Wars master edit that includes bits of all currently released saga films, whittling down to a core epic lasting around 3 to 4 hours. Also I want to do a Legend edit. I like the cut of the Director's Cut, but I like the Tangerine Dream soundtrack from the original US theatrical, so a combo of those.


Audition (1999)

I cut out that long hallucination sequence, right after Aoyama drinks the spiked whiskey. I thought it was too long and unnecessary. I also trimmed a few scenes so that the movie ran for a much slicker 90 minutes.


I made a fan-edit of Terminator Salvation/American Psycho/Avatar/Batman Begins. It was a wild ride in which a Caucasian male realizes his follies.
