MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Rank These Recent Horror Films

Rank These Recent Horror Films

The Conjuring
The Conjuring 2
Get Out
A Quiet Place
Light Out
Annabelle: Creation
Don't Breathe
Ouija: Origin of Evil

1.The Conjuring 2-9/10
2.Lights Out -8.5/10
4.The Conjuring-9/10
5.Get Out-9/10
6.A Quiet Place-8.0/10
7.Dont Breathe-8.0/10
8.Annabelle: Creation-7.5/10
9.Ouija: Origin of Evil-7.5/10



I only saw Get Out and rate it 8/10. Definitely want to see IT and A Quiet Place too.


all pretty good movies by my reckoning, with one exception.

get out & a quiet place are a cut above the others imo. i almost want to put don't breathe in the same league, but i just think those two nail every aspect of what they were trying to achieve, & i don't think db quite gets there. i know there were quite a few shots taken at some of the plot details in a quiet place, and i get where those people were coming from, but 1) i thought most of those complaints were explainable, & 2) the movie was so perfectly paced & immersive i didn't care much about wayward plot elements anyway.

Get Out 4.5/5
A Quiet Place 4.5/5
don't breathe 4/5

Ouija: Origin of Evil 3.5/5 - this is a shockingly enjoyable film, considering how dreary & unimaginative the first one was. director mike flanagan has a real talent for taking material that ought to be generic & forgettable and making something that feels like a breath of fresh air. i don't think ouija is his best - i'd rate occulus & hush as better - but it's solid stuff

The Conjuring 3.5/5
The Conjuring 2 3/5
Annabelle: Creation 3.5/5
i thought the second conjuring lost something. the first one was really good, i felt, and 2 had its moments, but it seemed to lose a bit of momentum & energy - perhaps just a bit too long. annabelle creation was another pleasant surprise - good kid actors imo, reasonably compelling story, fairly solid scares.

IT 3.5/5 i found most of the 'scare' scenes in it a bit along for the ride, though there were some undeniably great moments. in particular, i think that scene with the painting perfectly captures how certain images can truly freak kids out. and i think there were a few too many characters, but that said, the kid actors were all great, & it never dawdled.

Lights Out 2/5 - lights out just didn't work for me at all - all jumps & piercing psycho soundtrack. it's the only one of these that i feel is truly mediocre, even poor.


I agree with you on A Quiet Place and Don't Breathe. I haven't seen IT or Ouija. Get Out was more of a dark comedy. The rest are rated too highly.


The only two I've seen are Get Out (8.0), and A Quiet Place (8.5).

