MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How old do you think the earth is?

How old do you think the earth is?

I'm going to go with 4.5 Bilion Years. How about you?

In other science news, NASA Finds Ancient Organic Material, Mysterious Methane on Mars.


They taught us in Middle School (30+ years ago😕) that it is 6 Billion years old
I think scientists have backed that number down to 4-5 Billion nowadays but whatever...pretty old!

My entire Mars knowledge comes from Total Recall so...i will shut up now


Sounds about right. The oldest rock ever found is a 4.4 Billion Year Old Zircon In western Australia.


I didnt know that Padeen

I tell 'ya, i gotta give props to that rock for hanging around so long!

Im simply exhausted at 45...4.5 Billion years sounds like a lot of sitting around to me
Listening to the other rocks talk about their stiff joints and how accomplished their kids are...'Cripes! Can we just finish this round of Bingo already?!?
Hells Bells, just cart me off to the Museum already will 'ya??'

I admire that rock, wherever he may be


LOL, Shogie.



No clue, couldn't even make an informed guess, except > a billion.

So strange to see that shot on Mars' surface. It looks like it could have been taken in one of our deserts!


I hope I live to see humans travel to Mars. Think of what we could have accomplished by now if we weren't wasting billions fighting each other.


And yet they say we're the most intelligent species on our planet. Of course we're the species saying it, so there's that.


What is the point of going to Mars ? It is a freezing cold wasteland with next to no atmosphere and is uninhabitable.


There's about a million and one reasons to go to Mars. Most importantly, its what humans do. We move forward and never stop exploring. How about ensuring the survival of our species? Fact is, at some point, an earth killer asteroid will hit earth. All of the great minds, Hawking, Musk, Tyson, Nye, agree with this.

Also, if we establish a permanent settlement on Mars, it will be a great jumping off point for further exploration of the Solar System.


Do you work for NASA...?


I wish. I probably wouldn't pass the drug test lol.


I suck at math too


Nah, can't be more than a few thousand years. 🤔


Yes...somewhere between 3 thousand and 6 Billion
Im glad we have narrowed this down, though i admit that im awful at math

Anyway, nice work
Problem solved👍🍻


Hey, it's a ballpark figure, right?


Thats exactly what we were aiming for (i think) so yep...we did it again Amigo!


The Earth is 41 years old, from my perspective. That's all I can claim to have witnessed.


This is the correct answer...

reply we all are with our complicated math and science horseshit and you just nail it, no fancy calculators and scribble pads needed

You continue to impress Froggy🐸🌍🍸


Yes, according to NASA the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.



Young Earth Creationism has been on my mind lately. And with NASA's announcement today, I was curious what others thought.



Ha! I don't do well with beans. Except garbanzo I can handle.


Just slightly older than Stan Lee.
