MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Best Of Times

The Best Of Times

I've been thinking. (yes I know)

I've spent a lot of time around here over the last year.
A lot of people have. We've had our ups and downs.
With everything that's happened on here over the last month I think
we need to appreciate what we have.

We'll never all see eye to eye. That's ok.
We'll get into arguments. That's ok
We tease we joke but no hard feeling I hope.

We will at times come together and have incredible conversations, learn things,
and meet wonderful people.
There are some tremendous people on here.
I've been through a lot over the last year as many have.
I love that I can come here and most of the time forget about the real world for awhile.

I want to thank you all for making this a great place to hang out!

Let's share some of the best memories we have at MC.

For me it's so many of the threads on GD. We've had so many it's hard to narrow down.
Mostly I remember having fun with terrific people with great a great sense of humor.

One that stands out for me was when we had a thread of what your screen name means.
It was a nice way for us to get to know each other.
The drinking games were also a blast for me.

What are your best memories?


I remember the one year anniversary marathon on Jan 26-27 with great fondness. I got home early and stayed on here for for 12 hours straight from 3:30 pm to 3:30 am. I had warmed up spaghetti and meatballs at midnight. I haven't stayed up that late since. I am a party animal.



I remember you telling us that you had spaghetti and meatballs and what time you planned to eat it!
That was a crazy weekend.
I don't remember? Did we do it in one weekend or did it take us two?
We even had the mods helping us that weekend.


we were trying to get to 100,000 posts but we didn't make it on the Jan 26-27 weekend. We reached it two weeks later just before the Feb 15 anniversary date. You can tell I am an accountant. Sad isn't it ??


Ok, I thought it didn't go exactly has planned.

Yes you will always be the accountant. Helps that you were sober too.
Did you drink Coke that weekend?

Not sad at all.
We all have our roles at MC.
You play your role to perfection.


Another one was the Hotel Bucharest song composed by dewey and dazed. I wish I could find that one. A masterpiece.


I remember that too. That was so much fun.
Dazed and I have had some classics. Dazed an Mina too.
Hell, Dazed and croft have some some classics!


Dazed explaining the meaning of sibling to Croft.


Yes, my favorite is when Dazed asked what Miracle Whip was.
Croft told her is was salad.
Dazed said she found out what it was and thanked him.
Then came back and told him
"and it' not salad!"

I still laugh my ass off at this exchange.


I remember the Miracle Whip is Salad thing. Hilarious!


One of my favorites.

Remember the "Only a fool would say there's no God" parodies?
We did the Mod version.
That was hysterical!


No, dammit. How come I missed so many memorable MC moments? Or was I drunk (AGAIN!)?


You may have been drunk if you missed this!


πŸ˜‚ Oh my Mod, thank you for that!

I remember it now. Didn't put together "the Mod version" with God.


I thought that might ring a bell or six!


It did. What a classic, and a stellar example of you, Mina, and Dazed in fine form.

You even hijacked your own thread! That takes talent, my friend.


It's easy to hijack nonsense with nonsense.
YOU already know this.



πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£What a hoot! Glory be to Mods! Thou shall not have any Mods before us!


For your pleasure.


Oh. My. God!
You found it!! I love it, especially when we start on the vulgar rhymes and hope kspkap isn't looking!


Do you know long it took me to find this! How many pages?

I was glad this was left intact. ;)


You and me both! I was quite shocked too


The whole time I was looking for it I was thinking
"After all this work if this is deleted, I'm going to......"


Yes? What were you going to do???


Say a lot of words to myself and give you a big virtual hug.


Love u too!❀

But what drinking games are you talking about? I don't remember any.😐


It's all a little sketchy isn't it!

I always meant to ask you what you though about the Stratego has dumped me thread?
Did you ever get pissed off or embarrassed by it?


I felt flattered. I had no idea I evoked such strong emotions in you. Is there a reason I shouldn't have been???


Absolutely not.
Incredible women bring those emotions out in me.
I don't leave much to the imagination. What you see is what you get.
I'm glad I didn't offend you or make you feel uncomfortable.


You should know better by now, Deputy Dewey Boy. There isn't a lot that makes me feel uncomfortable!😘


I know that now, wasn't so sure back in those days.
Our relationship was still fairly new.
I don't think we even spoke until several months into all this.
I don't remember our first conversation. Do you?


It all got started when we made a date to discuss taking over the world. Then Snollebollekes got thrown into the mix. I have no idea which threads this all took place. Too much alcohol.


I remember that. Hard to believe that was our first interaction.
It's always too much alcohol isn't it.


what about making fun of your viewing habits ??


That just makes you look stupid, Mitch. I'm sure you don't want to look stupid, do you? Be glad I'm here to help you out with that!


I have improved right ??


Not if you're gonna fish for compliments.πŸ˜‘


this one ??? 8 months ago


That's the one!

It's almost embarrassing. A man bearing his soul to lost love.
It got a little crazy on that thread.


it's on the main page for all to see.


Yeah, thanks for the bump.
That's the kind of history that should remained sealed.
Like the Kennedy papers.


I told my strip joint story on that weekend marathon.


I remember that. Or at least I think I do.
We all shared a lot on that weekend if I remember correctly.


Mrs How doesn't even know that story


This place can sometimes be cathartic.

I hope she never logs in to your account or gets her own.
You may have some splaining to do.


We don't go near each others' laptops - a good policy.


That's a policy for a happy marriage!


the countdown to 100,000


I barely remember that!
That is awesome!


I thought you were female for about 6 months dewey.


I never asked you about this.
I thought you were joking!

Did you actually think I was female at that time?


Originally I did. I can't remember exactly - one of your jokes which I took the wrong way.


There was another person who thought he was female, I believe.

Do you also have that problem in real life, dewey?!


I think it was MovieMan who thought this.
So take that for what it's worth.

Not always in real life. Sometimes the morning after.
When my makeup gets smeared or when I need a shave.


I may be dreaming about you tonight!


It only seems fitting doesn't it.
I swear I won't eat a thing!


No worries, I haven't got anything in my fridge anyway!


Story of my life.

When I dream I have a fully stocked fridge.
When dreamed about I go hungry.


It depends what kind of appetite you have!😘


You know I'm malnourished.
What are you doing to me?

Looks like another ice bath for me tonight. πŸ₯Ά


Now I remember.
I was on a break at that time and when I came back I was a woman!
No, I didn't have the surgery.

I made a joke about channeling my inner woman or something like that.
I remember you saying that, but I honestly thought you were joking.
I had no idea you actually thought that.


I take things literally sometimes.


That explains a lot. I had no idea.
No worries I hope.

I've been duped a few times myself.


No problem at all.
Never lose your sense of humor.


Sometimes it is hard but it's part of who I am and what's gotten me this far.
I can't change it now.
Thank you for understanding.


one of your best jokes was about starting a thread to which no one replies. And you added "not even croft"


That sounds like me but I don't remember that all.
Must have been during the drinking weekends.


"not even croft"
That's funny!

When I start a thread I have bets with myself about which answer he will give.
Milla Jovovich
Resident Evil
Alicia Vikander
Tomb Raider
Camilla Luddington
And the newest additions to the Croft family Evanescence and Amy Lee


Are you keeping a running total?

What about

being busy
broken things and parties


and computer sales entrepeneur


I'm sure there's tons more.


The 100k countdown and all the threads leading up to it.

Emoji Movie Game!

Comparing notes and theories every Sunday night and Monday following a new Game of Thrones episode.


The emoji game for sure.
Still the most popular thread in the history of MC as far as I know.
I'll add the emoji music thread too.

A lot of fun on those two threads!


I couldn't participate in the Emoji Movie Game because I didn't know how to access them on my keyboard. Or that I could. Until I came across a thread, months afterwards, where you explained the keyboard commands to pull up the screen for them!

Never been the same since.


Stratego's fancy obsession with her basement

I think she still has it


croft takes a shot


And fails. How the heck is that obsession "fancy"???


croft doesn't have a basement


You reckon he has a fancy garden?


maybe a root cellar


Roots aren't exactly fancy. Maybe he grows truffles there?


he keeps turnips, potatoes and used computer parts down there


Maybe some human body parts as well???


"croft doesn't have a basement"

In the same way he doesn't have an obsession?


I hadn't noticed anything.
I'll have to pay better attention.

Croft, I will say you have brought me loads of enjoyment over the last year.


Glad I could help


A few times you even meant to bring me enjoyment!
I don't remember those times as well but they still count.


What about YOUR obessesion? You even have lifesize coardboard cutouts of Lara and Alice in your bedroom!


I've told you before,you got the wrong house


No way, the nameplate said "Sofia".


That was painful!


Yes, a gender reassignment surgery is no picnic!


are you still a free man ??


Shocking,isn't it??


What about your sister?


What about her?


Great thread, Dewey!

Some of my favourites were 3-way thread hijackings, between you, Dazed, and Mina.

They were great, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can top Arvin's presence:


I was just talking about this earlier with somebody.
Some of my favorite things on here were things that I wasn't involved with.
Just a spectator.

Dazed and Mina are legends, You and Dazed, Dazed and db, db and hownos, Stratego and her pretentious friend,
ksp and her stories, YonkerSguy and his nonsense, Daisy and me and our nonsense. Ludmilla!, you and I,
Stratego and I and all our silliness, etc...
One of my favorites was with me, MissMargo and Prelude discussing song lyrics.
I laughed so much that night.
We've had so many good times it's hard to remember them all.

Ok, you win!
How can we top Arvin!


What pretentious friend???


I was thinking and remembered some argument you got into with somebody on a thread.
Something about being pretentious.
That's when I noticed you.
I remember you impressed me at how you handled yourself.
I'd seen you around before but for whatever reason that stood out to me.


Oh good lord, that guy on the "Mother!" board!

Thanks, sweetie, but that discussion was so frustrating! It felt like it was never going to end! I guess it only went downhill for me after that!πŸ˜…


If it was the Mother board I have no idea how I got there. I haven't seen it yet.
Was I stalking you even back then? 😰

It looked frustrating. That's probably why it impressed me. You didn't back down.
That guy was such a tool! I don't know why that stands out for me.

If you did go downhill we were at the bottom waiting for you.
Proud that you could join us. His loss.


It stands out because it's absolutely absurd to tell people they can't call a movie pretentious! It was a very IMDb-like discussion!

Lol, I still haven't seen the movie either!😁



That even makes it better.
I love it!


I remember that thread, it was great reading! You totally destroyed.


Thanks, Dazed! But it wasn't that difficult. The guy seemed a little looney.😲


We can top Arvin with a slab.



Don't forget to invite me.
Actually I may prefer the unveiling.


I would prefer the encrushing, accompanied by a juicy SQUISH sound as the slab comes crashing down on his bitty, pudgy fast-food-fed body. The slab will have COMPLIMENTS OF AMAZON engraved on it; but, really, it will be Arvin G. Borker (and how sad is it that he undoubtedly thought that name was funny?) who will be in the grave.


That would be entertaining.
Maybe in a Groundhog's Day type scenario where that day would play over on a loop.

Reminds be of a couple years ago when new Yankee stadium was built.
A Red Sox fan who was on the crew threw a David Ortiz jersey into the foundation.
In hopes of cursing them.
When the Yankees found out they jack hammered and dug up the foundation just
to remove the jersey.


"I like to watch."

Ludmilla!! That was a high point. What happened to her, anyway? Last I heard she'd run away and was halfway across the Atlantic with a suitcase full of Crackerjacks, because one, two, possibly all three of you wanted her to scrub the toilets, or put out more than she was willing. Something along those lines. The details are foggy now.

Lots and lots of great pairings have happened here. Sorry I missed the night you, MissMargo and Prelude were doing song lyrics stand-up.

Wot, no comment on angry girl with hairbrush? (Love the expression on the poodle's face.) That's how I pictured Arvin a lot of the time.


Last I heard Ludmilla has changed her life around now working at a goodwill store in Gary, Indiana.
Bless her heart.

I don't remember angry girl with hairbrush?


Cat posted a funny gif of an angry little girl, saying it was how she pictured Arvin!


OK, got it.
How do you expect me to remember something I saw 4 hours ago!
I mean honestly Dazed. Geeeez!


Thank you! Geez, some people πŸ™„


Yup I know, what are you going to do though, it's GOldfishDEWEY!


I suppose he can't help himself. *sigh*


That answers the burning question of which way she was headed. Fleeing the US or EU? I couldn't be sure.

It's nice to know she's happily settled and living a fulfilling life.

"I don't remember angry girl with hairbrush?"



I suspect she's saving money to bring the rest of the family over.
It's possible she may go back but she's lost her affinity
for pee eggs and may not be allowed to go back.

You said angry girl with hairbrush.
I only saw Arvin!


So you have stayed in contact with her? This is what happens when you overdo with pee omelets. All she has to do is scale it back and she'll be good to go again. (See what I did there?)

Don't try to sell me that. You already admitted you didn't remember because it was something you'd seen hours ago, Sof ... BRENDA.

What were we talking about again?


I did stay in contact. I felt somewhat responsible for her troubles.
I did see that. It's as easy as it sounds though.
Once you're hooked you're hooked. Believe me, I know.

You want me to remember what we're talking about?
I'm not sure I even know who you are right now. 😡


I've "heard" deviled pee eggs are the best thing to get someone back on track.

I know I don't know who you are right now, or even where we are. Is it the Atlantic? YOU had the compass last!


You need to be very careful of deviled pee eggs.
Good for a bit then if you have too many you may start attacking people.
Maybe even denting their noses.

If I had the compass would be stuck on this damn Island with six other people?
Most very annoying.


That's what happened? Ludmilla had too many pee eggs, which eventually caused her to attack people and dent their noses??


Well I don't have it. If I don't have it and you don't have it, who has it?


I misspoke.
I attacked people with dented noses who had too many pee eggs.

Maybe it's in Stratego's basement?
I seem to lose everything these days.
After reading this thread it's mostly my sanity that I've lost!


What do you have against people with dented noses? Or is it about the pee eggs? Does it give them pee egg breath? 😷

It might be next to the VCR. Maybe.

You and me both!


I'm not sure. It has something to do with missing dinosaurs.
That's all I know.

I would never know if it was.
She keeps a bag over my head.
Do you know how hard it is to watch St. Elmo's Fire through a bag?
No, I didn't think you did. You'd be so lucky.


I still have no idea what the missing dinosaurs thread is about. I even asked for a clue Dazed wouldn't give me one! 😿

That article was both hilarious and sad. "Dinosaurs are bad and dangerous because there's no evolutionary proof that they existed. Not that I believe in evolution, but reasons." Dented noses forever!

It's true, I've never watched St Elmo's Fire through a bag. You could always sneeze real hard and blow the bag off. If you wanted to, that is.


We must realize the genius of Dazed is not for us mere mortals
to comprehend. We just accept and it is so.

It's scary to think about if that article is true.
They walk among us!

A sneeze doesn't work.
The collar keeps the bag on.πŸ˜‘


But you just told Hownos he'd get it if he thought about it! I'm still coming up empty here.

It reads like something you'd find on The Onion, but appears to be legit 😨

The collar? Is it a spikey collar? Wait, don't answer that. I don't think I want to know!


You definitely don't want to know my friend.

I'm involved and don't want to know!



Are you there now? Don't answer directly. Type "code S" if you are and need us to send out a rescue team.


I can't take the chance.
She's left the room but I know she's watching.

Weird thing is, I don't want to leave! EVER!!!!


Okay, take some deep breaths. Let them out very slowly. You're suffering from Stockholm Schnotzabollenwhatever syndrome. It'll be OK!


I don't know of this silly syndrome that you speak of but
she's a wonderful person.
I totally get why she does what she does.
She's so misunderstood. She's truly incredible.
She only wants whats best for me.

So, what's this Stockholm syndrome thing you're talking about?


Did I say Stockholm syndrome? Damn autocorrect. I meant Stocking syndrome.


Now, that makes sense.

I love those against my skin.
The kind with the line that goes up and
down the back.
Very comfortable.


Okay, now you're starting to creep me out.

Who are you?






Elly May?



Now I've gone and done it, thread crossover!


You know I love when two
threads come together!
Well done!!!!!!!!!!


I do(o) know it!!


I thought this was another reference I didn't get.


I'm sure you got it if you think about it.


Ok right now I'm going to explain.
There has been ,on this very board a few threads claiming that homosexuality is an abomination. Apparently the bible says so. It may do, I don't know, it doesn't matter to me.
I do not think that way.
I could not give a flying fuck as to what consenting adults do, I don't understand why anyone else does.
One of our dinosaurs is missing refers to the apparent absence of one the regular posters who thinks this way!


I agree with you and now I get it.


I ❀ you Canadian Dean dude.


Ahhh, see, I'd have never put that together with the recent absence of a certain poster!


There are a few that fit the bill Cat, this way I cannot be sued!


So smart.
You're like a big baby bea....
Never mind.





Good thinking! πŸ‘


Don't forget all the fluffy bunny love!🐰🐰🐰


How COULD I ever forget the abundant fluffy bunny love?!? It's my favourite thing 🐰❀️🐰
