I've spent a lot of time around here over the last year.
A lot of people have. We've had our ups and downs.
With everything that's happened on here over the last month I think
we need to appreciate what we have.
We'll never all see eye to eye. That's ok.
We'll get into arguments. That's ok
We tease we joke but no hard feeling I hope.
We will at times come together and have incredible conversations, learn things,
and meet wonderful people.
There are some tremendous people on here.
I've been through a lot over the last year as many have.
I love that I can come here and most of the time forget about the real world for awhile.
I want to thank you all for making this a great place to hang out!
Let's share some of the best memories we have at MC.
For me it's so many of the threads on GD. We've had so many it's hard to narrow down.
Mostly I remember having fun with terrific people with great a great sense of humor.
One that stands out for me was when we had a thread of what your screen name means.
It was a nice way for us to get to know each other.
The drinking games were also a blast for me.
I remember the one year anniversary marathon on Jan 26-27 with great fondness. I got home early and stayed on here for for 12 hours straight from 3:30 pm to 3:30 am. I had warmed up spaghetti and meatballs at midnight. I haven't stayed up that late since. I am a party animal.
I remember you telling us that you had spaghetti and meatballs and what time you planned to eat it!
That was a crazy weekend.
I don't remember? Did we do it in one weekend or did it take us two?
We even had the mods helping us that weekend.
we were trying to get to 100,000 posts but we didn't make it on the Jan 26-27 weekend. We reached it two weeks later just before the Feb 15 anniversary date. You can tell I am an accountant. Sad isn't it ??
Yes, my favorite is when Dazed asked what Miracle Whip was.
Croft told her is was salad.
Dazed said she found out what it was and thanked him.
Then came back and told him
"and it' not salad!"
Absolutely not.
Incredible women bring those emotions out in me.
I don't leave much to the imagination. What you see is what you get.
I'm glad I didn't offend you or make you feel uncomfortable.
I know that now, wasn't so sure back in those days.
Our relationship was still fairly new.
I don't think we even spoke until several months into all this.
I don't remember our first conversation. Do you?
It all got started when we made a date to discuss taking over the world. Then Snollebollekes got thrown into the mix. I have no idea which threads this all took place. Too much alcohol.
Now I remember.
I was on a break at that time and when I came back I was a woman!
No, I didn't have the surgery.
I made a joke about channeling my inner woman or something like that.
I remember you saying that, but I honestly thought you were joking.
I had no idea you actually thought that.
When I start a thread I have bets with myself about which answer he will give.
Milla Jovovich
Resident Evil
Alicia Vikander
Tomb Raider
Camilla Luddington
And the newest additions to the Croft family Evanescence and Amy Lee
I couldn't participate in the Emoji Movie Game because I didn't know how to access them on my keyboard. Or that I could. Until I came across a thread, months afterwards, where you explained the keyboard commands to pull up the screen for them!
I was just talking about this earlier with somebody.
Some of my favorite things on here were things that I wasn't involved with.
Just a spectator.
Dazed and Mina are legends, You and Dazed, Dazed and db, db and hownos, Stratego and her pretentious friend,
ksp and her stories, YonkerSguy and his nonsense, Daisy and me and our nonsense. Ludmilla!, you and I,
Stratego and I and all our silliness, etc...
One of my favorites was with me, MissMargo and Prelude discussing song lyrics.
I laughed so much that night.
We've had so many good times it's hard to remember them all.
I was thinking and remembered some argument you got into with somebody on a thread.
Something about being pretentious.
That's when I noticed you.
I remember you impressed me at how you handled yourself.
I'd seen you around before but for whatever reason that stood out to me.
I would prefer the encrushing, accompanied by a juicy SQUISH sound as the slab comes crashing down on his bitty, pudgy fast-food-fed body. The slab will have COMPLIMENTS OF AMAZON engraved on it; but, really, it will be Arvin G. Borker (and how sad is it that he undoubtedly thought that name was funny?) who will be in the grave.
That would be entertaining.
Maybe in a Groundhog's Day type scenario where that day would play over on a loop.
Reminds be of a couple years ago when new Yankee stadium was built.
A Red Sox fan who was on the crew threw a David Ortiz jersey into the foundation.
In hopes of cursing them.
When the Yankees found out they jack hammered and dug up the foundation just
to remove the jersey.
Ludmilla!! That was a high point. What happened to her, anyway? Last I heard she'd run away and was halfway across the Atlantic with a suitcase full of Crackerjacks, because one, two, possibly all three of you wanted her to scrub the toilets, or put out more than she was willing. Something along those lines. The details are foggy now.
Lots and lots of great pairings have happened here. Sorry I missed the night you, MissMargo and Prelude were doing song lyrics stand-up.
Wot, no comment on angry girl with hairbrush? (Love the expression on the poodle's face.) That's how I pictured Arvin a lot of the time.
I suspect she's saving money to bring the rest of the family over.
It's possible she may go back but she's lost her affinity
for pee eggs and may not be allowed to go back.
You said angry girl with hairbrush.
I only saw Arvin!
So you have stayed in contact with her? This is what happens when you overdo with pee omelets. All she has to do is scale it back and she'll be good to go again. (See what I did there?)
Don't try to sell me that. You already admitted you didn't remember because it was something you'd seen hours ago, Sof ... BRENDA.
I did stay in contact. I felt somewhat responsible for her troubles.
I did see that. It's as easy as it sounds though.
Once you're hooked you're hooked. Believe me, I know.
You want me to remember what we're talking about?
I'm not sure I even know who you are right now. π΅
You need to be very careful of deviled pee eggs.
Good for a bit then if you have too many you may start attacking people.
Maybe even denting their noses.
If I had the compass would be stuck on this damn Island with six other people?
Most very annoying.
I'm not sure. It has something to do with missing dinosaurs.
That's all I know.
I would never know if it was.
She keeps a bag over my head.
Do you know how hard it is to watch St. Elmo's Fire through a bag?
No, I didn't think you did. You'd be so lucky.
I still have no idea what the missing dinosaurs thread is about. I even asked for a clue Dazed wouldn't give me one! πΏ
That article was both hilarious and sad. "Dinosaurs are bad and dangerous because there's no evolutionary proof that they existed. Not that I believe in evolution, but reasons." Dented noses forever!
It's true, I've never watched St Elmo's Fire through a bag. You could always sneeze real hard and blow the bag off. If you wanted to, that is.
I don't know of this silly syndrome that you speak of but
she's a wonderful person.
I totally get why she does what she does.
She's so misunderstood. She's truly incredible.
She only wants whats best for me.
So, what's this Stockholm syndrome thing you're talking about?
Ok right now I'm going to explain.
There has been ,on this very board a few threads claiming that homosexuality is an abomination. Apparently the bible says so. It may do, I don't know, it doesn't matter to me.
I do not think that way.
I could not give a flying fuck as to what consenting adults do, I don't understand why anyone else does.
One of our dinosaurs is missing refers to the apparent absence of one the regular posters who thinks this way!