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Need the name of a movie

I watched a movie some time ago, and forgot its name. In the movie there was a man who was a cop, or former cop. His daughter was murdered at the door of the house leaving a bloody mess, apparently because she was involved in or was meddling in some secret weapons program. The father discovered who the responsibles were and killed them all one by one. He uses a Glock 17 or 19.

There was a scene where a young woman is trampled/thrown by a car as she is standing outside his vehicle, as he checks that she is dead the car turns back and goes for him, he shoots the driver and the car flies into a lake or pond. In another scene he is being followed by a van, at a red light he reverses into them and forces two guys out of the van at gun point and has them arrested. In another scene he is also being followed, parks at a rest stop, the guys follow him into the restrooms but he climbs atop the stalls, smashes the glass and is out the back as they come in. He circles around, smashes their windshield and takes off, overcomes the suspect vehicle, pulls it over, knocks out or shoots the driver and holds the boss at gunpoint but does not shoot him for some reason.

At the end he kills the leader of the responsible mob or whatever it is, with a shot to the throat at his home after smearing him with a toxic white substance. I think he died at the end from wounds sustained during the final battle.

You must * Palpatine voice * HELP me. I can't even remember the actor's name, dammit.

This was a recent movie, no earlier than 2012 or so. I think.


Could it be Edge of Darkness?

The BBC original series is a far far superior version.


YES! thanks a lot. was actually 2010, ok.


You're welcome.


Sounds like "The East", but mixed with a Mel Gibson movie that I forget the name of.


Yea it was Mel Gibson.


Edge of Darkness, right?




I did not know the name of the actor but identified his pistol and remembered he fired thirteen shots in the run down scene, thus two/three or four/five shots left.

that's so me lol.


Um ⬆ I said Edge of Darkness 17 hours ago!
