MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Eeyore is Optimus Prime?

Eeyore is Optimus Prime?

Whoa, mind blown. I'm watching "The Toys That Made Us" on Netflix and it's teaching me so much!




Back when I was smoking weed, like, all the time, I would get together with friends and bring my Optimus Prime transformer. We would smoke a blunt out of his hand in either truck mode or robot mode and we called it "Optimus Blunt"


Funny when I was smoking a lot of weed...this afternoon😉...I was watching this series...damn good stuff!!! Never knew the same actor played both roles...


I have quit for about 5 months now. I look back fondly but am moving forward.


Been moving forward never looking back...high as astronaut testicles👍 what made you quit pete?


Many things. I am far more productive when I don't smoke. I turned 30 and realized much of my 20s was spent doing nothing. I am a writer, and when I smoked I would get great seeds of an idea, but couldn't develop it into anything. Since I've quit I've made great progress on my short stories, books, screenplays, and stageplays. I also would have crazy muscle tension when I didn't smoke for more than a day or two because I was so dependent. Another major reason is that I make very little money, and I couldn't save anything if I was smoking. All my extra money went to pot. I want to make something of myself, and I know I can, but weed was holding me back.


Gotcha buddy...Sorry to hear! Been very lucky I guess👍


I've been extremely fortunate. I was born to a pretty well-to-do family in America, and I'm white, and I'm a man. None of these things make me better than anyone, but I was afforded a lot of opportunities and favor that others weren't. That being said, I renounced any and all support from my rich-ass parents in favor of making my own way. I completely support myself and haven't depended on them since I was 18. Again I have been fortunate enough to be debt-free and on my own as a 30 year old in America. I have so much potential and will be a very wealthy person someday, but it's very slow going. I don't worship money and I am very smart about how I handle it. In July, I finally get to go on vacation that I pay for and plan. I am exactly where I want to be, and to break free of many addictions was very difficult to say the least.


My problem is opposite. I quit for about 3 months and did not write one single thing.

When I smoke I have 10x more creativity and develop my ideas with no problem.


what is Eeyore ??


From Winnie the Pooh


DUDE!!! how you don't know what an eeyore is...I even know what they like to eat😉


I still don't know to be honest.

reply Are eeyore!!!!


How is that? The premise interests me


Uncle Phil was Shredder!


I think I knew that at some point and then forgot; my mind is blown all over again.




Peter Cullen has done quite a lot of voices. He's a talented guy. He also voiced the Predator.
