MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What should Rosanne do?

What should Rosanne do?

I don't know if Rossane is racist, but if she is she is like most of America. We are always told about how racist America is. It would not be possible to fire everyone who is racist. What are racists supposed to do?

PS I come from India which is officially racist and this all looks silly to me. I think people should question why racism is taboo and who makes it that way. We are very concerned about words like the N word but not concerned about actions like bombing the Middle East.


Hold onto that property with both ass scratchers....In no time at all, hat-in-hand they'll come back yelping like the dogs they are.


go away



I am not afraid of words on a screen.


You racist, bro? You got something against Indians that you feel entitled enough to ignore them?


Roseanne's next step should be to invade Poland...


Hahaha...dont give her any ideas Quasimodo!


The problem is everybody is a racist - It is human nature.
Certain people refuse to acknowledge any racism within themselves but go on and on about everybody else ad nauseum

As many have said ( for instance , Lenny Bruce , John Cleese and George Carlin are some examples } The PC movement is a detriment to society


The USA has a long history of racism, so there is a lot of sensitivity to those who make racist remarks. Rosanne needs to take a hike.


Ambien commercials😉


^that part!




Her next step should be to go on a diet.

I know it's off topic but I had to get that in there.
