Who is your...

favorite secondary TV character.

Awhile back we talked about favorite TV characters.
What about those who make the show or episode that aren't the stars.

Shows like
It's Always Sunny
The Office
Dick van Dyke
Parks and Rec
were superb in their casting of these characters.

My favorites off the top of my head are

Liam McPoyle from Sunny
Ernest T. Bass from Andy Griffith
Jerry Helper from DvD

There are many who can steal an episode.

Who are your favorites?


Jackie Chiles (Seinfeld)
Moe (The Simpsons)
David Wallace (The Office)
Rickety Cricket (Always Sunny)
Bronn (Game of Thrones)
Badger (Breaking Bad)


Nice list with more Cricket love.
Maybe he needs his own show.

Chiles is terrific.

You put the balm on? Who told you to put the balm on?
I didn't tell you to put the balm on. Why'd you put the balm on?


Memories...fine Johnny Chocran impersonator
Great stuff


Any time I see somebody putting chapstick on I tell them this.
Some get it. Most just just give me that blank stare that I'm so used to.


Thats awesome!
Nice play player👍

I do something equally silly and fun
Whenever someone ends a sentence with 'mostly' i repeat the word 'mostly'

Remember in Aliens when that little girl Newt is rescued by Ripley and company...

Newt says 'They only come out at night mostly...mostly'

Ive been doing that shit for decades and NOBODY ever catches on

Gives me a laugh every time😂
I probably need a hobby

Oh i know ALL about the blank stares buddy
I think i only get out of bed for them these days
And the beers🍻


That is too funny!
If we can't crack ourselves up who can.

I love doing that stuff to people.

No hobby needed my friend.
I'd say being one helluva guy is your hobby and you're damn good at it!


Much obliged Deputy 😉
You are quite a fella!
Lets keep 'em laughing here in our little pool...bit of a dark cloud overhead at the moment

Started a silly rock music thread to get everybody off each others back...im gonna start another tonight or tmmrw...
Keep the sailors happy and sailing should be smooth


Seems like every so often we get some choppy waters.
We usually batten down the hatches make it through unscathed.

If the threads don't work just break out the rum everybody will be happy!


Proper advice from a proper gent
Thx Bud

And Rum is usually part of the solution to every pickle ive ever been in!


Bronn and Badger

Two great shoutouts
Nice work jenny:)


Eddie Hitler - Bottom
Niles Crane - Frasier
Trigger - Only Fools and Horses
Gareth - The Office (U.K)
Paulie Walnuts - The Sopranos
Cliff and Norm - Cheers
Mike - Spaced
Private Walker - Dad's Army
Medavoy - NYPD Blue
Rimmer - Red Dwarf


Cliff and Norm another classic duo.
Well done.


Thanks 👍


Paulie Walnuts YES!
Forget Tony...i would have loved 'The Walnuts'


Paulie was a legend, what a character 👍


He was the best on that show imo...
He smothered an old lady for her costume jewellery and beat up a gardener to take over a landscaping business!!

Seriously, has there ever been a bigger psycho side character!?!

I doubt it
Loved Paulie...


He was never better than in The Pine Barrens episode, classic 👍



He and Christopher fought over a ketchup packet and a Tic Tac when they got stranded in the woods😂
What a great all time lunatic lol


"Mix it with the relish" 😁




Ernest T. Bass, the craziest SOB in a TV series, lol


Stole every scene he was ever in.

Old Aunt Mariah jumped in the fire
fire too hot, jump in the pot
pot too black, jump in the crack
crack too wide, jump in the sky
sky too blue jump in canoe
canoe too shallow, jump in the tallow
tallow too soft, jump in the loft
loft too rotten, jump in the cotton
cotton so white she stayed their all night.


Floyd the barber from Andy Griffith
Frank Costanza from Seinfeld
Uncle Leo from Seinfeld
Rizzo from MASH
Nick Yemana from Barney Miller
Inspector Luger from Barney Miller
Colonel Flagg from MASH
Sgt. Phil Esterhaus on Hill Street Blues
Chester from Gunsmoke
Paul Drake from Perry Mason


Great list hownos.

Floyd is another one that stole many scenes.


Alfred the butler in just about any version of Batman, the unsung hero of the caped crusader's foil and shadow. There's more to Alfred than meets the eye, the one to really watch out for because he's the one people least expect in taking down ol' Batsy. Alfred always makes the save when needed. Without him, there's no Batman, or Robin for that matter, unless you want to scratch Robin off the list.


Is Robin even real?

Alfred is an awesome choice.
Why didn't he ever get his own show or movie?


Haha! Poor Dick Grayson (Robin) doesn't earn any street cred until he's Nightwing.

Alfred gets treated to the Boba Fett Effect, less is more.

In the animated movie, Batman: Bad Blood, there's some scenes where Alfred really gets to shine, including a fight sequence and subtle teasing of his past. The Lego Batman Movie also hints at Alfred's jack-of-all trades previous endeavors before serving the Wayne family.


Poor Robin may bring on some of this on himself! Just sayin'.

The way things are heading I'm actually surprised they haven't done an Alfred origins movie.
It actually may be very good. Kind of an open canvas.


It is surprising. Though would it be too similar to James Bond? I think that franchise is currently on break.


The Bond franchise has been on a break since the 70's.

I'm thinking he grew up as an orphan. Got into some trouble.
Learned how to be resourceful on the streets. Spent time in a POW camp.
That kind of stuff.


When painting a picture like that it might be possible to overshadow Batman. I'm sure Alfred sees a lot of himself in Bruce Wayne.


PLEASE, by all means do overshadow Batman. I think it's time!

I could see that. Maybe even a little jealousy that Alfred was never able to do what Batman is doing.
The classic struggle of battling ones self.


La Quica - Pablo Escobar's feared chief assassin in Narcos. (Not that he's a likeable person, far from it)


Impressive mention HodWatt...he was based on a real killer for the real Cartel


He was a very scary guy. The kind you wouldn't want to cross! I read that he's still alive and imprisoned somewhere.


I hope they threw away the key!


Dr. Watson in all of the Sherlock Holmes series.


That is another good choice!

That reminded of Mr. Stringer in the Margaret Rutherford movies where she played Miss Marple.
