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Is tipping the worst part of American culture?

One thing that tourists to America struggle with is the tipping culture. It’s not actually tipping, it’s more like expected payment for services in other countries that are paid for by their employer.

The first time I went I was shocked by how many people asked for tips!

Some examples:
I asked a guy in the subway which way the bus section was and he then asked for a tip. Just a random dude!
I left a hotel and went to the cab rank. An employee of the hotel blew a whistle and the cab proceeded forward. He then said to me five times “sir, I got you a cab”. I didn’t need him to get me a cab, but he got a buck to shut up.
I gave a waiter 15% tip on a small bill and he looked like he was going to cry as he counted the chump change.
I went out with a bunch of backpackers to a pub and we had table service. They were told by an American sitting next to us that they needed to tip 20%. They tipped zero. I knew the tax man would have assumed she had made $40 tip so it cost her money to serve us.

What a terrible system! If someone doesn’t want to tip you still get taxed.

And why are taxi drivers getting tips?


It's not the culture's fault; it's the economic system, where people are paid so shittily that they literally depend on charity to make ends meet. The culture developed out of this; it didn't come from nowhere. We need to address the injustice at the source of this, the lack of a living wage, rather than blame people for needing tips to get by.


No one is holding a gun to anyone's head to hold a "shitty" paying job. The reason capitalism has produced the world's most useful and spectacular inventions and innovations is that someone would make a buck from it.

These jobs are not meant to be a career. My wife worked at McDs while going to college, and made almost 200K before her retirement (it wasn't at McDonald's).

Force a minimum wage on companies, and they will find a way of eliminating what amounts to monkey skill level labor either through forcing the remaining workers to work harder for their "raise", or by implementing technological replacements. Those "lucky" enough to get the forced minimum wage will usually find it just enough to survive, but with it also goes the loss of motivation to better one's self.


That's it & that's all.


Doesn't McDonald's pay at least minimum wage?


Ironically McDonalds could be a nominee for the worst part of American culture!


What's bad about McDonald's? I personally prefer Carl's Jr. but McD's is not that bad.


Because it's garbage. They had it all and didn't protect it, didn't preserve it, didn't care for it, didn't honor it. They pissed on it & pissed it away.

Dazed is right, McDonald's is American culture, one of the worst parts.

The Big Mac used to be a decision made proudly, in those Styrofoam holders, you ordered it assured that it would be scrumptious. The fries were tasty, now they're shit. The fish sandwich was ordered, sure there was a dirty look given, nobody wanted to make the damn thing, but, they did and it was something else again, the piece of cheese on was melted, the Tartar sauce was abundant. Now, it's uneatable. I wouldn't hit a dog in the ass with it.

You know what they got left, bless their hearts? The gd Coca-Cola mixture & fat straws. That's it & that's all.

- "Who are they!!!!!!!!!"

- Edmund O'Brien - "The Wild Bunch"


We call it Maccas in Australia (which they then trade marked and use).

It’s transformed over the last decade, becoming more sophisticated with McCafe, and Angus beef range. It’s left Hungry Jacks (which is Burger King) in its wake.


you're right culburn, you eat Mc D's in the morning and you won't need a stomach pump in the afternoon, it'll go right through you by noon, I swear they add Draino to their secret sauce.


'I wouldnt hit a dog in the ass with it' just killed me Culburn😂

And just like that it has entered my personal vocabulary for the rest of time

Thank You!


You're welcome, Yonk!


It's addictive junk food that has infested the whole world and is contributing to an obesity problem with it's sugar laden,fat soaked super-size me emptiness.

I prefer Burger King.


You've made my day :)


yes Burger King is not sugar laden fat soaked SUPER SIZE
except for the fact that their commercial says "it takes TWO HANDS to handle


You behave like a cantankerous 80 year old teenager!


you're right, I am between a teenager and 80, guess how old I am,

BTW, in n out beats them all


What no clues? Erm 69?

I hear a lot of good things about in 'n' out. I doubt it would be difficult to beat a Big Mac to be honest. The UK ones are certainly not big, they used to be but now they're the size of a Happy Meal cheeseburger.


69 hmm, Margot Kidder (Lois Lane) just died Saturday at the age of 69,
but you're way off,
in n out was my all time favorite burger, that is till Habit came along, the best burger I've ever eaten, and much better than the big mac.




ok, I guess you need a clue, it's under 50 and no, it's not 49

sorry chap, it's off to work


Doesn't McDonald's pay at least minimum wage?

Of course, everyone does by law. The discussion was that lots of Americans rely on tips because of "shitty" wages. Legislators are trying to force businesses to pay a much higher guaranteed minimum wage for non-skilled workers, which creates other problems whose solutions most likely will actually hurt the workers.

BTW, when my wife worked at McDonalds to help pay for her college tuition, books, etc., there were no computers - just cash registers. My wife took the orders on order pads with a pen, added up the order using math, and made change the old fashioned way.

Today, monkeys only need to push the right buttons on the touch screen computer to place the order accurately (insert comment here) and the computer calculates the order and tells the counter help how much change to give.


In the rest of the world, unskilled workers also get paid very low minimum wage but they don't rely on tips.

Minimum wage jobs suck. Everywhere in the world. Customers should not be liable for their wellbeings.


I didn’t need him to get me a cab, but he got a buck to shut up.



Isn't this anti-capitalism? The American dream is that people can earn their money. That guy did not earn his.


"You know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin, playing just for the waitresses."

reply really DO love that movie!


Yes, I do. And a great piece of monologue by Buscemi in that scene.


Certainly was
I recognized it immediately
Love that guy


First time I went to the USA I didn't have a clue. Wasn't sure if I was to tip barmen, the bloke in the petrol station or Burger King etc. I knew I'd be expected to tip waiters and such like but sometimes I felt like a right tit.


Exactly. I was shocked that cabbies get a tip. What for?


Some of them were worthy of a tip if they agreed to take you on the scenic route through various places, less hassle than the open top tourist buses.


That’s true. A driver in Memphis said we had time before our bus so she took us to where Martin Luther was shot. She got a tip from us.


Yep they're the good ones, some of them should be tour guides in their own right. 👍


have you ever been a waitress or a cab driver?


No. Not my bag.


they make peanuts and they have to put up with jerks like me and others day after day just to make enough to eat and pay the rent, it's not their bag either but they have no choice,


No choice?? Can't they just be CEOs instead? Smh.


they get you to the destination in shortest time possible,maybe


Tipping can be a bit confusing, but we have far worse things to answer for. Early American settlers gained the confidence of Native Americans only to inflict centuries of atrocities on them. We institutionalized slavery and built our entire economy upon it. To this day, a majority of Americans value tradition and religion above intelligence, science, and progress. We are the best and the worst country all at once.


Speaking of science what do you think of male infant circumcision and water fluoridation? Those are two uniquely American institutions in the name of science.

I think everything you’ve said is backwards. For example slavery was an African institution that spread worldwide and far less brutal and short lived in America than anywhere else. Whereas intellect is why a large majority of the entire world’s patents come from America. When I hear these things intelligence science progress I think of the destruction caused by our military and university research and development. I don’t think you would disagree with that except blaming universities but this is science. You lack wisdom and sneer at those who would value it? Let me tell you a similar case I hear all the time is that we need more empathy. But I think we have too much empathy always trying to help others with good intentions and bad results. We must step back and evaluate rationally. You know how there is nostalgia for the past? I think there is one for the present as well. People don’t like tradition and they don’t like black and white movies. People in the past were all sexist racist immoral only now we know better. How did they manage to tie their shoes? Old people suck.


I don't like circumcision, if I could have my foreskin back I would. Old people do suck. The rest is pretty rambling.


It might be better for us, but cut is better for the woman, and not just for health's sake. Back when I was working on a project whose particulars I'd rather not get into, I overheard some consulting "professionals" talking about.. well, dicks. One of the ladies said to the others' agreement that circumcised penises generally had a large, bulbous head - apparently by not being constricted over it's lifetime by a tight foreskin (like people who only go barefoot have wider feet).

They all agreed that a generous knob on a cut penis was the ticket for nailing the g-spot.



Not to undercut your well-reasoned point, but isn't north Africa predominately Islamic, introduced to the region by middle eastern caravan travelers no sooner than the 7th century going forward, replacing Christianity that had been spread earlier through the late Roman Empire? I understand you may be referring to Christian minorities.



Thanks for the info. I will certainly look up Ashin Wirathu. The OP's original topic seemed to bring out passionate responses in people. I totally get what you are saying. I've read that west Africa, in the former ivory and gold coast areas, is practically swimming in Christian missionaries it's not even funny. Uganda on the other side of Africa seems to be a pretty strict fundamentalist society religious wise when it comes to Christianity.

Then, there's Ethiopia too which is seeing its share of ethnic problems. Buddhists from Japan have definitely proven historically they can be just as violent as the rest of people, especially in their warring conflicts. This has to be one of the more informative discussions I've had the pleasure of partaking in this site so kudos to you. Hope to see you around more often.


Hey, Pete! You should give up your place at the trough in memorial.



Nice try but those who are against tradition and religion are the dumbest people in our society when it comes to things like science and progress. These same people think that there are 60 different genders, that socialism works (even though it never has in the history of this planet), and that throwing a trillion dollars at global warming will simply make it go away. Yeah religion is most likely made up but at least the followers know that abortion is wrong, that transgenders suffer from mental illness, and that sexual promiscuity is bad. The humans who stray away from tradition almost always turn to drugs, cut there genitalia off, or grow up with very few friends and live miserable lives.



Lol what socialist country are you from? You apparently are so ashamed of it that you fail to specify which one.

Your 2nd paragraph is rambling nonsense with a false blanket statement.

Transgenders are mentally Ill because the suicide rate is around 40%. Only in cases of mental illness do suicide rates reach this high, it’s less than 1% for the rest of the US population. It’s all in the brain, you are either a male or a female and you either have XX or XY chromosomes. It’s not complicated stuff, just because your brain tells you that you’re the opposite gender doesn’t make it true. Yes some people are born with mutated genes which can cause both male and female parts but that’s not what we’re talking about, you simply can’t change your gender.

Almost all cases of mass genocide come from Athiests like Hitler and Stalin. Yes Religion has some blood on it’s hands but it’s only a fraction to that of atheism. Science isn’t a solid substitute to religion and doesn’t offer morality or life lessons.

The killing of a baby is evil, this is a fact. Just because some people are too lazy to wear condoms or take birth control like responsible human beings doesn’t make it okay to murder another living and breathing human being. Do they teach you morality in your poor socialist country or are you just a scummy human being? If you believe it’s okay to kill then I don’t have to respect it.

The reason why it matters is because progressive nut job countries are beginning to pass laws for not using proper pronouns. You don’t get to make up crap that goes against science and then punish those who refuse to follow nonsense.



You are extremely uneducated and don’t know what you’re talking about. Suicide has nothing to do with bullying when you look at the majority of cases. For example, African American suicide rates are way less than whites, yet according to progressive nut jobs they’re the most discriminated group in the United States. The idea that 40% of transgenders end their life via suicide because they aren’t accepted or bullied is completely idiotic.

Wow, still can’t list your country? Let me guess, Sweden? Yeah I’m sure those refugees you let in have nothing to do with the rape epidemic that’s ruining the country and making women too afraid to go out at night. Tsk tsk

Hitler was religious? He committed suicide you fool, obviously he didn’t believe in religion or he wouldn’t have done this. #Owned

The Fetus is a living and breathing human being, just because we don’t label it as a baby at that stage doesn’t make it suddenly okay. Your morals are in the toilet. Europe is on the brink of collapsing and you wanna brag about letting in rapists and terrorists into your country?

You have no idea what you’re talking about in regards to transgender laws. In California you can serve up to 2 years in jail if you work in the nursing field and refer to a patient with the wrong pronoun. It’s gotten so bad that in many schools boys are allowed to use the girls bathroom.



Ahhh ohhhhh, another Liberal was forced to think and had to run away. You people are like zombies, brain dead but don’t realize it.


So what should happen if conception happens due to rape?
I'm just wondering what solution you could present to a child or woman who has conceived and finds themselves in that horrible predicament.


Obviously abortion is okay in all cases of rape, that’s really a no brainer. Rapists should be banned from having kids and castrated.


ok, you said
"The killing of a baby is evil, this is a fact."

So the killing of a foetus is evil except in cases of rape?
What stops it being evil under those circumstances?

"The Fetus is a living and breathing human being, just because we don’t label it as a baby at that stage doesn’t make it suddenly okay. "

All those circumstances still exist, it is purely the circumstances of conception that differ.

How about if the mother is mentally ill with an illness that would endanger a child?
Or physically incapable of nurturing a child?
Or carrying a child would endanger her life?
What if the family already have many children?
What if there is financial hardship that would prevent a child thriving?
What if the mother has a history of neglecting a child or has already had children removed from her care?
What if she's an addict?
What if the child has a severe birth defect?
What if the child dies in the womb?

I am convinced that no woman decides to undergo this procedure in a flippant manner and there are multiple situations where termination is a sad but necessary solution.


If you believe that no woman does it in a flippant manner then you’re very naive or maybe very sheltered. I’ve known dozens of women who would constantly sleep around and eventually get pregnant, then immediately decide that a baby would be too inconvenient for them, and showed no emotion or remorse other then that it was a huge inconvenience to them and they wanted the man to pay for it. Liberals have brainwashed the masses to equate abortion with going to the doctor for the common flu, just come right in and we will take care of you...thanks and come again.

Nobody is trying to ban abortion, all we are saying is if you don’t want to get pregnant then use condoms and birth control. Is that too much to ask? If you keep running red lights you might get your license revoked, the same should be done to wreck less women who continually have unprotected pre marital sex. Too many women are skanking it up because they think abortions are normal and just a minor inconvenience.


Ah ok!
You're a misogynist, why didn't you just say?

You might have saved me some time.


Typical Liberal tactic, label someone as a racist or misogynist because you can’t argue my points. If you don’t think that some women do what I mentioned then you’re living in a bubble. Calling out these evil women isn’t misogynistic, it’s called the truth.


I will add this to the discussion:

I’ve never heard anyone say “I’m having a fetus.”

A *baby’s* heart starts beating at 18 days...yes...days.

There are many women who use abortion as birth control...they’re too damn lazy to use any of the methods to prevent pregnancy. They do decide in “a flippant manner”’s just a blob to be flushed!

And...any of the following questions (except for the last one which would not be an abortion) can be answered with one word....*Adoption*.

How about if the mother is mentally ill with an illness that would endanger a child?
Or physically incapable of nurturing a child?
Or carrying a child would endanger her life?
What if the family already have many children?
What if there is financial hardship that would prevent a child thriving?
What if the mother has a history of neglecting a child or has already had children removed from her care?
What if she's an addict?
What if the child has a severe birth defect?
What if the child dies in the womb?


No they cannot, you clearly just skimmed the list.
For example if carrying a child to term would endanger the mothers life how would adoption help? Seriously

If a baby dies in the womb and it is not of viable age the woman must undergo a termination.

What if a girl is raped? Adoption again? I suppose you'd put a child through the mental and physical strain of carrying the baby to term?

It's just not a black and white issue and it's horrifying to hear a woman attribute all of the blame of unwanted pregnancy on women.
Shame on you.


I attempted not to skim the list, but in answer to your question:”For example if carrying a child to term would endanger the mothers life how would adoption help? Seriously” This situation is *very rare*. Of course in the rare situation it does occur the mother comes first.

I wrote when a baby dies in the womb it has to be removed...not considered abortion.

If a child is raped there are procedures in place to terminate a possible being the morning after pill. If the rape is due to incest there are child advocates who can petition a judge to rule in favor of abortion. The rape of a child is an abhorrent act therefore while she is going through the abortion the perpetrator should be going under castration!

And, Dazed, don’t “shame” on me. The truth is most of the unwanted pregnancies can be blamed on women. Either use birth control or keep one’s knees together!


Oh shut up with the liberal label for pity's sake! It's so damn lazy and convenient to label anyone who disagrees with your confused and inconsistent rhetoric in this manner.
It saves you having to actually think and consider different points of view.
You didn't give me any points to argue, you simply ignored every single point I made or question I asked and went on a crazy misinformed rant about women. You also seem to be forgetting that men are also involved in the conception of a child don't you?

Grow up and get back to me when you have a clue.


I hate tipping i.e. subsidizing another employer's payroll. Nobody subsidizes mine. I have to pay a living wage to those who work with me. And people will say then the prices at restaurants, etc will go up. So be it. I'd rather pay more for an item then again, contribute to the owner's payroll.

And yes, I have been a waitress but I stayed in school and got a better job.


"And yes, I have been a waitress but I stayed in school and got a better job."

Well, Aren't you special? Listen PRINCESS!!!!
I also eventually pulled myself up by the boot straps and got a better (job?) SEVERAL BETTER JOBS with great pay before I retired.
You may hate tipping, and the whole system SUCKS, but you sound as though you are looking down your long nose at those who still have to depend on a living for those tips.

If I somehow misunderstood your post, please explain it to me one more time.
I did stay in school.... I just never put up with snobs like you



You may be right, and I understand that it's a screwed up system. I agree about that.
I just took her attitude to be a bit snooty. I'm all for staying in school and getting a better job.
I'm also in favor of these owners paying their wait staff a decent wage so that we, the customers don't have to pay it. We shouldn't have to pay for a meal, plus pay a waiter's/waitress's wages as well.
Until something is done about this, I'm happy to tip these people. I remember what it was like to depend on those tips.


I'm happy to tip when service deserves it, and I usually tip rather well. When it's just to subsidize an owner who wouldn't be able to make ends meet paying a decent wage, maybe they should consider a different option. I don't mean to sound mean, but when I have really crappy service, I shouldn't be expected to tip just because someone doesn't make a minimum wage. I think that system is bull.


I agree when the service is lousy. I can't remember ever having that experience. I've always had really great service.
There have been a few times where the food has been terrible! 😁


As per MissMargo:

“I'm also in favor of these owners paying their wait staff a decent wage so that we, the customers don't have to pay it.”

It’s the system we have. If the above becomes the norm, the wait staff won’t have that job depending on tips, as the table tablet will become the norm. We’re seeing it now. There are fewer servers in every restaurant because of the demands put upon the owner/leasor.

There are others who depend on tips, the nail tech, the hairdresser, the barber, the pizza delivery guy/gal, the floral/fruit basket delivery people, etc. A machine so far can’t do their jobs and they are low wage owners. I tip them. I leave a tip for housecleaning in a motel/hotel. I tip valet parking and baggage carriers. I tip the casino hostess a dollar even if she just happens to have a bottle of water on her tray. They work their butts off waiting also on moochers who get the free drinks but don't tip! I add a dollar to my bill for carry out. Anything is worth a dollar! We’ve always been told it’s not necessary to tip the owner of a salon. I disagree. When the recent downturn of the economy occurred my hairdresser lived off her tips as she still had her bills to pay. I tipped her 20%. I tip servers in restaurants 20%.


You have listed so many of the other people I tip. My husband and I always disagree on the amount. He feels that 15 percent is enough, but I always sneak in a bit more to the pizza guy if it's cold and snowing out there.
I have been a Housekeeper in a hotel in my younger years. I know how hard the work is. I also know of the disgusting situations one has to clean up after.
The salon? I tip well when I leave there happy!
I really do wish that things were different.
Here's the kicker! kspkap, you just reminded me of the last time we actually went out to eat. That is something we seldom do because I'm such a clean freak. I worry about the kitchens my food is cooked in.
We went to Applebees, having gotten a gift card from my sister. They have actually added those tablets that are attached to those tables! I remember feeling very sad. Oh, we still were served by a human, but that was all rushed. There WAS something on that tablet that allowed us to figure in that TIP!


We dine frequently using our comps from the casinos. Even though the meal is free (yeah...right due to my losses) we still give the 20% gratuity. So many don’t! Damn moochers!

Every time I use the self scan at Wally World (walmart) I think of a cashier who has lost the job or didn’t get hired.

I had a feeling you were a neat nik. A Miss Suzy Housekeeper. Or do you have an OCD? If so, you are my type, or should I say I used to be the same way. Nowadays I think I could grow potatoes on my bedroom furniture! I don’t care anymore. As long as my kitchen and baths are clean the rest will be there when I’m dead and gone! :-)


LOL! Getting off "the worst part of American culture", I have to say that I am sort of a neat nik. I may be a Suzy Housekeeper in some ways, but I am no Martha Stewart.
My problem with restaurants has more to do with too many viewings of Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares. Have you seen those kitchens?
I was also a cook in the Army. I know how one should run a kitchen. I also know how one should NOT.
I'm pretty much with you.... kitchen and baths must be kept clean. The only time the furniture gets dusted is when I can write my name on the end table. Vacuuming? That happens too! Is there company coming??????
I'd sooner have the folks in my life remember ME instead of how nice Miss Margo kept her house.
