MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does soy make you gay?

Does soy make you gay?

I read an article that Moby thinks gay is superior to straight and that he is making his wife drink soy milk so their child will be gay. Soy is everywhere and infant formula is made out of soy so maybe this explains why it spreading. I have seen articles about soy boys. It is thought to contain estrogen. Also birth control pills are said to cause transgender in fish.

Do you want to have a gay child? Moby said he had trouble with women and wished he was gay because they have an easier time dating. I don’t think it’s fulfilling and he could jut hope for a girl instead. “The future is female “


No, soy makes you a goy.




it spreading -?
I don't think it's fulfilling
making his wife
thought to
are said

Yes by all means let's "choose" to have gay children so they can read trash like this.

Harry, what we're you saying about lack of trolls.


Can you link thee article?
