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Catch me if you can - Airplane restroom door opening Inwards

I was just rematching catch me if you can for the umpteenth time and saw that door open inwards to the bathroom.

If bugs me a little every time, and I wonder 'why would Spielberg make such on obvious error?'

No spoiler alert, as I can not believe there is one single person engaged on these boards that has not scene Catch Me If You Can.


Nobody catches the apartment door swinging outward in "Double Indemnity." If it swings inwards (as they all do) Fred & Barbara are done not even 1/2 way thru.

Let it go.


I understand what you are saying. That sort of thing can bother a person.
I love watching so many Twilight Zone episodes. One episode in particular irritates me in much the same way as the scene in Catch Me If You Can.
The episode is The Shelter. These people are in a bomb shelter. Their neighbors want in. They manage to batter their way in. That door is so thin, cheap and flimsy, fog could find it's way in.
I let it go. You have to or it will drive you crazy.

One more thing. You may have watched Catch Me If You Can umpteen times. I know that I have seen it at least half a dozen times. Many people have seen it. That doesn't mean that everyone has.
In this case, you really haven't given anything away. In fact, now that you have described the scene, lots of folks who haven't seen it may just want to check it out! 😄


Great comments thank you.



In No Country for Old Men, it annoyed me greatly that you never see him call for backup or involve other law enforcement agencies.

I must confess, MF, until this moment I never gave your point a thought.


> I never understand the people who throw a fit about spoiler alerts

congrats, you "get it"


Surely it depends how old the film is, how much of a spoiler is revealed and the intent behind the person posting it?

I haven't seen Catch me if you can, but I don't believe your post reveals anything important about the film. So no spoiler tag is necessary.

I don't think it does any harm for a poster to simply include the word "Spoiler" in the subject line of their OP if they are going to reveal an important plot point in their post.


"I never understand the people who throw a fit about spoiler alerts. If I’m coming on movie chat, to a board talking about Catch Me..., how can I get all indignant when there is information about the movie. If I didn’t want to know about it, I wouldn’t be here."

Normally I would agree, if we were on that board. This is the General Discussion board though, not the Catch Me if You Can board. So we wouldn't expect spoilers here. The OP doesn't contain a spoiler, but if it did, it would have been polite for the poster to put a spoiler warning in the subject line.



Here's the scene for those interested:

Being someone who flies very frequently I can say that airplane toilet doors do open inwards as shown in this movie.

At least all the ones I've been on these past decades.

Probably something to do with keeping the aisles free and open to staff and food/drinks carts.


Leo looks weird with long hair.


It's not much longer than how he had it in Romeo and Juliet.

But yeah, he takes on a lot of looks in that movie Dazed, this just being one of them.


That escape via the undercarriage seems far fatched...


Apparently it's loosely based on a true story.

I've seen the movie but I didn't follow up on the story.

The film is more about style than substance in my opinion and it works at that.


My real problem with the movie is the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio has such a boyish face. Frank Abagnale Jr. had one of those faces that looked mature beyond his years. That, and the fact that he could think on his feet was how he managed to fool so many people. You may find pictures of him easily if you google.
If you have the DVD, check out the special features. He talks on one of the documentaries.
Some of the things I like about this is that it is based on a true case and that the guy did turn his life around for the good! The movie has Christopher Walken in it! Who can turn their back on him?


It's certainly a fun flick Margo and I would recommend it to anyone wanting to kill a couple of hours with Hanks and DiCaprio.

Oddly enough I saw it whilst on a flight.


> Apparently it's loosely based on a true story.

It is and I had read the book decades earlier and it was one of my favorite books of all time.

Spielberg was able to make a very good movie without pissing me off with deviations from the original book and true story.


> I can say that airplane toilet doors do open inwards as shown in this movie.

I did not think this was correct. did some research and you are wrong



Point me towards your research thanks.


Never thought about this before but it seems most toilets open inwards to prevent people becoming trapped by obstacles outside, seems legit that this would also be true on a plane.
Also a door opening outwards would create a problem if room is at a premium.
Just adding my two pennorth!


All I know is that I go to the bathroom and it is a tad uncomfortable having to lean back in order to get the door to open to let me out. Many fold these days too, but fold inwards giving more room for those of us inside.

But I'm sure Yesanything will back up their assertion that they can show me to be wrong Dazed.

Any day now...

...any day.


I fear for them already!


They haven't called me or anyone else names yet and so I'm still cool with Yesanything Dazed...

...for now!


I would be weird for Spielberg to get that wrong.


> Point me towards your research thanks.

I was pretty sure but you placed a morsel of doubt so I went to you tube and found this;

How to open an airplane's inside locked lavatory door from outside?

The relevant part begins around the 28 second mark.


Video is research now...hmmm...

I guess you are wrong then.

Do you want me to film myself going for a pish next?

How about a dump??
