Off My Chest.

There's some really great and nice people here to converse with but I'm worn out by the abundance of stupidity from grumpy men fed up with "political correctness" and ranting on movie boards; Trump bots and people who ONLY come here to argue politics, and bored people who post crap along the lines of "This movie sucks because it's lame". I think I might take a little break (I'm sure this makes a few people happy) after this and hope there's a little more diversity and more people when I come back. See ya all.


Come back soon




As Powers Boothe , r.i.p. , said as Curly Bill in Tombstone , " bye "


Match it is I guess!


That was my first thought.


I think he was just announcing his visit to the loo for a whizz Jack.

Seems he's back and is still mad that water is wet.


water is wet?


If you shove a stick into a hornets nest, you’re going to get stung.

Author goes to the Trump board and posts:

”F*ck Trump and F*ck This Board!

Thats the authors idea of conversing with nice people.

He’s mad because he can’t ban boards, threads, members, who disagree with him.


He reports though, remember to stay on the proper side of insults should you feel the need to use any.


I never reported you.


So you say.

But how am I meant to know otherwise?

When your lot censors and lies and does whatever it feels is necessary to achieve a 'win' who can trust you?

I've used the same language I used with you elsewhere hear in a similar manner and had no problems.

Only with you - weird eh?

...and then of course you bring it up, as if harbouring a grudge.

Nice try matey, that might work down at Starbucks on your Apple laptop while drinking your extra soy mocha and cracking a joke to your fellow woke hipsters bout how it is technically a three bean soup.

Not with me it doesn't though.


Um because I was reported as well for returning your insults. If you feel so much outrage towards your "f*ggot" insult directed at me being reported perhaps take it out elsewhere. Nice try at stereotypes to pump yourself up again. I might write some beat poetry about it...


No one reported anyone. The warnings and deletions in that thread were done sua sponte.


Who the hell is sua sponte??????


She's Semper Fortis' sister.


So you're saying it runs in the family. Figuravit!


They are a headstrong family, that's for sure!


Videtur venerunt et viderunt qui erant sententiae...I'm done....My joke is getting old!


Remember to breath during your beat poetry.

And don't forget your inhaler!


You guys😂


Yes while I do that remember to take a break from your angry rants aganist Liberals and feminists on men rights chat rooms to avoid RSI ;)


I'm in to men's rights now?

Of course I am! What am I saying?

Everyone knows that once labelled a Nazi by others you can easily be tarred with anything those tarring you wish to tar you with.

That's how I know that you are a racist, sexist, ableist, anti-theist who hates everyone who is either like you or not like you.

Because once you subjugate the human condition down to the some of its physical characteristics you are no longer dealing with a person, you are dealing with an animal and animals are food which helps you sustain you, and your group, into the brighter future.

It's just a matter of which physical characteristics will the group cannibalise today?

They've got berg or stein in their last name, they've got dark skin or they pee standing up/sitting down?

Who is it today Retromogul?


Sure. Sure. I'm the racist, sexist misanthrope now says the guy who was grumbling about feminists. Way to projection there. Are you a snowflake outraged at my play on stereotypes after just labeling me a lazy, unemployed "leftie"? It's completely predictable you can dish it out but can't take it :p


I can take it. I just said that I am all of the things you are labelling me with because it's obviously true - why would you lie?

To achieve control?

Do you feel powerful?

You wish to play identity politics like so many on the left seem to want to do today. The only people who have done so in the past have been genocidal. Your not being able to see this and yet throw out all the ills of the world onto your boogieman just does to show how little you've been taught by your Marxist theory teachers.

Actual feminists fought for equality. It's never going to be all the way there because individuals are different but modern 'feminists' wish to clutch pearls and feign fainting while being respected as members of society. Nobody gets to be both and anyone thinking they can be are an insult to actual feminists everywhere.


Blah, blah, blah. It's hilarious how you try to make yourself sound intellectual while still ranting about Marxists and feminists like all those 21st century Archie Bunkers on the net that think there hip and edgy.


Such comeback!

Much funny!


I thought he left, didn't he say "see ya all"?


Nah I just wanted to express my exasperation of having his mug trending all the time. I don't come here to just troll and declare love for your exalted king. Pity you can't say the same.


While you and I seem to disagree on many varying aspects of contemporary culture and what is the best way forward Retromogul I do stand by your suggestion for the option to be able to remove boards for movies/actors/etc. in a personal preferences setting in an individual's account.

Because we all know if your lot gets the chance it'll be censor the lot and send off offending posters to the gulag.


Well, now me and you can fight!

I totally disagree. If someone is so delicate that they can't handle seeing a tiny avatar pic for a board that they never have to click on/visit, good riddance to them.


Now that'd be a fight worth booking tickets for Jack 😉

In a consumer society with choice being a blind privilege many don't see themselves exploiting on a continual basis it is easier to appease them than it is to listen to them whine about it.

Anyone worth their merit would know how to hide it anyway - it's not difficult but then they wouldn't be able to see everyone else talk about it and them not being able to be comfortable with it 😉


I luv you, Texas, but strongly disagree.

I too am *extremely* tired of seeing Trump's board virtually 24/7 on Trending. If it were a drinking game, we'd all be completely sauced by 5:00 AM.

Politics brings out the very worst in people, and by this I mean primarily American politics, and that goes for both Democrats and Republicans. I avoid politics whenever possible, but it's getting close to impossible to do that here, which is supposed to be a site devoted to discussing movies and TV!

If people want to talk politics, there's a separate board devoted to that topic, which everyone who feels the same way I do can easily avoid. That's the way it was on IMDb.

But MC is unique due to Jim's creating the Trending section, which is right on MC's home page and the first thing one sees coming here. It is NOT avoidable, and hardly welcoming to new visitors, regardless of which party they may belong to.

If I had the ability to block a board from appearing on Trending, I'd block the Trump board in a heartbeat. I'd have blocked Hillary Clinton's board as well, when it too was a problem.

Thus far, I've refrained from posting on the Trump board, but due to its incessant appearance on Trending, it's not been easy. Any more than seeing any other board constantly appearing on Trending would be, but rarely are any other boards so childish and vicious.


Juror. Do you have any idea how hilarious it is to equate not having a sole Trump board on one movie chat site with a violation of democratic free speech. Do you not know there's a politics board?


Trump technically is an actor and reality TV star and so he is due a board.

Politics would be a better place to discuss his presidency but a board is a board is a board Retromogul.


Actor? No. Cameos as yourself shouldn't count as someone being classed as an actor. Producer yes. I'm aware of that little loophole for him.


Needs an equity card to act, it's in the guild's rulebook and they strike when anything gets close to breaking those rules.

I'm sad to say that someone, somewhere, passed him off as an actor on an official document.


There are a couple of posters like that out there (brux, for example) and I'm astonished they haven't been banned yet. Bias?


Looks like you're not leaving after all, Retromogul? 🤔


Nah I will. I just don't leave insults and accusations unanswered before I take a break.


How stoic! 👍


You seem to think Retro understands things like Ancient Greek philosophy principles Russell.

They founded the patriarchy and so of course he doesn't! 😛


Methinks you're right! 😃


Did my Apu thread about Political Correctness hurt your feelings?


Nah I don't have an opinion on that so don't worry ;)


That's what she said to my hands: Off my chest!


I'd say "Phrasing" Spanners but you already hate Trump and so I'm curious as to your attempt


I don't hate Trump. I feel bad for him. He clearly didn't want to win the election, and planned to lose.

He is a pig, but so am I. There is a degree of respect there, but I pay more attention to the image I put out and the example I set. Trump seems like he just doesn't give a Huck(abee).


As long as you are paying attention to that image you put out Spanners!


I don't hate Trump. I feel bad for him. He clearly didn't want to win the election, and planned to lose.

Horseshit, Froggy. That's the fraidy-cat in ya crying out loud because you got your ass handed to ya 2 Novembers ago & you can't face it.

He's President and he's President forever. Just like the 44 before him.

Let us proceed...


because you got your ass handed to ya 2 Novembers ago

I had no love for Hillary (I'd have rather seen Bernie Sanders up there). I actually thought that maybe Trump, as a political outsider, might surprise us (and he still might).

My favorite thing about it all is watching the "Right" cheerlead for someone who's even more of a lothario than the despised Bill Clinton! I love watching the hypocrisy and tough-talk that turns to triggering, etc.

The only thing I dislike about Trump is that he really does seem like a racist.

Politically, I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal to an extreme... Beyond Libertarian. Beyond Bernie, even though he would be my pick.

I would rather do a Vote of No Confidence in the entire system. True, pure democracy, is anarchism.


Well, if you ain't gonna bait me back there's no sense in continuing this conversation.

You great big beautiful, Froggy, you!


You are mistaking Spanners with Jeremiah there Culburn.

But I respect where you each are coming from.



Hey wait... You're just after me Lucky Charms!


You're a fine fellow, Froggy.

You too, 8.


Cheers Culburn!

You too 👍


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