Newbie help

So I joined after searching for IMDB replacements on google. And wondered if the community might be kind enough to help with some questions I have about the site.

I love talking about movies and such, and I can see that trending movies and topics are quite active which is good!
-Is there a population count yet for the current community? can't seem to find a counter anywhere onsite...
-Sign up is very easy, and I wonder if trolls are expected to, or have been, causing problems? Maybe it's a non-issue idk.
-No community submitted reviews for titles (movies, tv shows, etc.)? ... all I can see is the comment section beneath titles. Is there no review feature being implemented and why not I wonder. I wouldn't mind offering up reviews, especially for lesser known titles.



- Trolls are few & far between across the MC spectrum, especially concerning movies. It's an impressive site with knowledgeable people who are serious about movies. I can't say enough good things about this place & it's members, DD.

A most hearty welcome to you.


cheers mate! :)


no community count
trolls are usually dispatched fairly quickly
you can make a review in the comments section


Reviews are not seperated from general discussion...? strange.


Not really. This site is basically an archive of the former IMDb message boards, with some simple added features. Reviews were totally separate from the message boards over at IMDb and are still part of that site.

Welcome, by the way.


Thanks. Yes, the only reason I kept using IMDb after message boards closed was for the reviews to be honest.


I only use IMDb to check the cast. Complete cast lists is also something this site is missing.


Agreed, complete casts and production crew is important... and also trivia, soundtrack, goofs I think




Hi and welcome

Very low troll count here (you will spot them quickly as they are rather lame and untalented)
It's a high quality crowd, tons of laughs, fun movie talk and random banter about everything

Main movie boards could use more traffic and attention...i'm partly to blame as i am always here on GD...i must post more on the movie boards

Pleased to meet you
We are building something big here and the more the merrier:)

Hope you find MC to your liking


Thanks for kind welcome shogun. whats GD... guard duty? lol. I suppose as the community grows, the individual movie boards (and lesser known titles) will get more contribution over time!


Most welcome
GD=General Discussion but you certainly knew that;)
I hope the movie boards grow...been on my mind a lot lately
We have a real fun time here on GD but i know i need to contribute more to other boards here

Working on it...
Anyway, very pleased to meet you
Have a great time!


Shogie, just try to post on the individual boards every time you see a movie or tv show.


Sound advice




The older movies on imdb never had much action either.


Welcome aboard Darpa! I'll try to help😀

No info on number of members..but I can try to get that for you!

Trolls are present...but not abundant.

No community reviews...avatars...those features and many more have been requested...hopefully TPTB are working on it...but for now👎

Hope this was helpful!!!


Thanks DF, very helpful of you. Yes, I do hope the higher-up(s?) are open to suggestions/requests!


Indeed they are, but don't expect to actually hapen😊


And here's what I got...Bubkis...non yiddish translation...fuck all! Love this site.but I think it's being ran by one man that just got a girlfriend. Seems there is a disconnect between the tech and rule enforcement side. There used to be a man that claimed to own the place named Jim...he was pretty cool...stopping in, giving updates, commenting on threads...since his minority participation...not going to say the joint has gone downhill... It just seems content with being status major advances for about a year...nothing to stir the pot...add a lil zing to the stew...nothing. Oh well...I tried👍


A man who just got a girlfriend? Oh dear, my worst fears for this site are I know we're in trouble. lol :D
That's why it would be interesting to see some membership stats to get an idea how well the site is thriving. If its doing well and there are plenty of contributing members, depsite the lack of "tech input", then I don't see why a transfer of ownership is out of the question. I've seen it happen before on dedicated gaming forums where I was a member back in the day.

Indeed, I was still under the impresion that this Jim guy was the owner, after finding a post of his on google with an invitation to this site.


I was just about to say DF will kinda tell you what’s what


Good morning bucky! Another day living the dream!!!


Top of the morning to you friend! How is your day?


Busy! No time for fun! Can not wait to finish this video...coming along! Found out NWAs straight outta Compton works with that DJ Cool vid might be a cover of that...we'll see...


Hello, welcome, you have found your new home ;)


:) !


Hi! Welcome!
I have a great idea. Your offer to review movies, especially the lesser known titles is a good one. Why not contribute those in the individual boards for those movies? It may just get more people here to gravitate over to those individual boards to discuss! There is a poster with the user name, ecarle.
This person sticks only to the individual boards he/she likes. ecarle seems very knowledgeable when it comes to older films. Check him out on the Psycho Board. He (I'm assuming it's a he) has much to say on classic films. I love reading the posts. You would be an awesome addition, and also, just possibly be of help in getting more folks on GD to actually discuss films!


Thanks Margo. As I said before, I do think that having an active and well implemented review feature is important for a movie site like this. Similar to Imdb where contributing members can have their reviews "liked" as helpful or unhelpful, gaining rep, and with the review section seperate from the general discussion. This would provide some encouragement and competition to dedicated reviewers.
I like to think of myself am a bit of a scf fi/horror buff, and I've already found several related titles onsite that have no contribution/discussion at all. So maybe that would be a good place for me to start !


Horror buff???? You and I are going to get along just fine.
I know that at one point Jim implemented that blog thing up at the top and he encouraged us to use that. Nobody seems to use it though. I think that was supposed to be for reviews.


Hey there :)

Trolls rarely bother me, everyone is super nice and cool. Hope you enjoy yourself!
