Albums that would make great movies
If there was ever an album that better summed up the nose candy/pastel-friendly era it's the yacht rock-stylings of Steely Dan's deeply noirish and surreal "Gaucho." Honestly, this would have made a better big screen version of "Miami Vice" than what we got from Michael Mann back in '06.
A sampling of some of the wonderfully evocative/cinematic lyrics:
"Brut and charisma poured from the shadow where he stood"
"Off to Barbados just for the ride"
"We'll jog with show folk on the sand
Drink kirschwasser from a shell"
"Who is the gaucho amigo
Why is he standing
In your spangled leather poncho
With the studs that match your eyes"
"The wind was driving in my face
The smell of prickly pear"
"I struck a match against the door
Of Anthony's Bar and Grill
I was the whining stranger
A fool in love
With time to kill"
"Johnny's playroom
Is a bunker filled with sand
He's become a third world man
Smoky Sunday
He's been mobilized since dawn
Now he's crouching on the lawn
He's a third world man"
"I am holding the mystical sphere
It's direct from Lhasa
Where people are rolling in the snow
Far from the world we know"