MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is Apu's character from The Simpsons rac...

Is Apu's character from The Simpsons racist/insensitive or....

Is this just more Political Correctness run amok? I vote for the latter.


I agree with you. The PC these days is ridiculous.


I feel bad for Hank Azaria. If he doesn't go along with it, he will be labeled a racist.


PC rubbish, they'll be getting rid of Groundskeeper Willie and that Mexican Bee next.


And Fat Tony, the Italian Mobster. I have Sicilian blood and do not find him offensive in the least.


Joe Mantegna is awesome as Fat Tony,i hope they never replace him,
'What's a truck!'


I believe Hank Azaria Does Bee Man's voice, Groundskeeper Willie is my fave character


And while we're at it, I'm offended that although they show a black man in a mostly positive light (Dr. Hibbard), he's also prone to stupid giggles, questionable bedside manner, and ugly sweaters...

We should ban all TV and movies forever and ever and then some lest we offend those more sensitive, sophisticated, and more intelligent than the average viewer.


Run amok is putting it mildly. All of a sudden, after 30 years Apu is somehow offensive because the accent is exaggerated for comediac value? All accents are exaggerated this way for humor, whether the accent be Indian, Scottish, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Canadian, New England, New York, Southern US, or Fargo, ND. It may seem small, but people who believe these things to be offensive are ruining the world, and the internet is allowing this crackpot minority to have a voice louder than they deserve.
