MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you found any of your old posts?

Have you found any of your old posts?

From the Imdb days? I had the same username and I've found communiqués from my past self, speaking to me from 11, 12, 14 years ago. It's sort of eerie.


Good one, PR. Here's me 11 years ago critiquing "Forbidden" '32.

The two scenes for me.

20 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Are the cab ride early on as Bob tries to convince Lulu that the affair can work. She is near hysterics, inconsolable and bolts the cab on into an absolute deluge of rain. He follows, literally begging her to reconsider. She's adamant, won't be swayed and leaves Bob on a park bench (thoroughly vanquished) in the rain, as it rivets down the bill of his hat and onto his overcoat. And get this: the scene stays tracked as Lulu retreats into the rain and disappears. Capra holds it steady, seconds pass, how many? More than enough for me. Lulu returns out of the mist, returns to Bob and the tragedy advances.

The second scene for me is the scene where Lulu murders her husband (Bellamy) in cold blood. All the frustrations wrought upon Lulu, all the settling, all the denial, all the hatred (for marrying him) is loosed upon Bellamy here. The first two shots (mid chest height) surely kill this man, the fact that Lulu goes ahead and empties the pistol into him to requisite clicks on empty chambers with that look of utter contempt only Stanwyck could display exposes the wounded Lulu in bitter truth.

It reminds one of the ending scene in "The Last Gangster" where Edward G. Robinson stops his adversary's stated vow to ruin Robinson's sons bright future thru scandalous charges. Robinson simply counters this stoic threat with the words: "no you won't" and proceeds to empty a pistol into him.


Cool find, this is me defending BBC Narnia on its page when someone claimed it was "completely undone" by the Disney version. I was 19.

"I'd take this version any day of the week. The new one may have poured buckets of money into hideous CGI, but they completely ignored most of the story elements that made the BBC version awesome.

'I thought it was sad at first, but now, I like it...' "


10 years is the oldest for me.


Still a long time. I find I agree with my old self usually. I'd really be curious to hear if anyone found themselves disagree wholeheartedly with their former self. I love the archived stuff, it's what make MC a great place.
