Double Dates?

Is this a good idea where there's lots of buffer or is it a nightmare you can't escape from? I'm watching a fictional double date right now and it seems to be going well, but I'm suspicious. Also I may have a real one on the horizon and I dunno.


I always liked double dates
There was more fun banter, more ideas about where to go next...double dates were really fun


This is promising. It's weird figuring out dating in a world where people hardly ever want to meet in person. Everybody is so into their phones. And I'm a paranoid shit. There's only so many people available for this kind of thing; you have to be with someone and know somebody who's with someone and all like each other. My prospective date may be with my former weed dealer friend and his girl, as strange as that sounds, but he's the best prospect. Dating in this decade is weird, but I have to do it or I'll be weirder.


Go go for it and plan on having fun

Maybe stash a car nearby or have an Uber lined up just in case...but go and have a fine time
I cant imagine anyone not enjoying your company

You are very cool
Have fun buddy🍻


Thanks Shogie


Not to great,usually it ends up in a fight


Yeah I figured that may be a possibility


It can be a good buffer if you don't know that much about the other person. My friend and her boyfriend wanted to set me up with his brother. We all went to the beach and brought a lunch with us. It worked out great. So great, in fact, that I ended up marrying him!

It can be a disaster too. I went with this couple and a guy they brought along for me. We went to a drive in. It was X rated. While my so called friend was having "fun" with her date, I was trying my best to keep miy date at arm's length. I spent part of the time in the bathroom. I insisted on being taken home with my friend in the backseat with me on the ride. If not, I was going to call a cab. It was so sleazy! I made it home.


A little from column A, little from column B. Thanks for the feedback, I knew MCers would have experience with this sort of thing.


I'm not really an expert on dating, but I will offer you this piece of advice. As the song says, "If you have a chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance."

And remember, when you get old you will not so much regret what you DID do, but rather what you did NOT do.



I did one once. Kind of as a favor to someone. Was not great but was not terrible, either. I just had this sense of being on display which I was uncomfortable with.


I considered the whole "on display" factor. I don't think it will be a big problem for me since we know each other pretty well, and nobody owes each other anything. I'm thinking bowling with beer. What did you do on your double date?


There's great as long as they're revolving around a specific activity that everyone wants to take part in. If it's just a basic double date with no concept behind it, then someone is probably using the other couple as buffer.

Not to be crude, but all the double dates I've been on have indeed been concept-based, and they were awesome. Let's just say they were planned to continue to the next morning.


I really doubt it's one of those, Frog. I suppose I shall see. I assume we will do some activity like bowling or drive-in or something, but I'm pretty sure continuing to the next morning isn't on the table.
