I'm tired of..

What are you tired of in movies/tv? It can be anything.

For example, I'm tired of superhero movies. Sick of them honestly. I wasn't into comics when I was a kid so I guess that has something to do with it but if I have to hear about how great Avengers 3 or whatever was then I'm gonna hurl.


Definitely superhero movies. I've enjoyed a couple of them, but there are way too many now.

Cop/detective shows. NCI this, that, and the other.


Same, enjoyed a couple LINES or scenes from superhero movies but not the entire thing.


I enjoyed Spiderman all the way through, but that's the only more recent one I liked. The rest, meh, haven't bothered seeing them.

ETA: It's from 2002, 16 years ago! Time flies when you're having fun. Or something.


haha, it does fly. I can remember Spiderman and all of Tobey's shenanigans. Not bad. I enjoyed different movies from 2002. (Catch me if you can, Gangs of New York, One Hour Photo, The Secretary, etc. )


I like Toeby, or did anyway. No clue what he's been in recently. Unlike many others, I thought he was excellent in The Great Gatsby.

Never saw Gangs of New York, but liked Catch Me, One Hour, and The Secretary.


Special effects
"Based on"
Crappy stories
Violence and sex


Superhero movies for me too. But I do like some, Logan, Deadpool, Guardians.. but the rest of the Marvel movies just seem like the same thing over and over again.


I haven't seen any of those you listed. I suppose I need to but this whole fad has just wiped my excitement out when it comes to those movies. Maybe I will watch them one day though.


Oh yes, I've also had enough of all the superhero movies! And all the remakes, reboots, reimaginations, sequels and franchises! Something more original, please!


I want to see some remakes but only because I haven't seen the originals. You have to watch the original first. I will not tolerate watching the REMAKE first. When I hear that you've watched the remake first, man that annoys me.


Superhero movies.


Obligatory Game of Thrones actor in everything.

Agendas and pc quotas getting in the way of good storytelling.


agendas and pc quotas. thank you for saying that! i'm so SICK of everything happening in the world we live in. I'm just..over it. I fear the future. If this is what I'm currently living in and experiencing, no telling what is gonna happen in ten years.


1. Superhero Movies
2. CGI
3. Vehicle chases, crashes, and explosions
4. Remakes
5. Smoking



Lesbian documentaries about cats!


hahaha must be a secret club i don't know about. I haven't seen the first lesbian documentary about a cat.


Lol...used to go to a site that would update new programs schedules for Netflix...there was a spell where Netflix put up some fairly weak docs. This one poster bitched that it was a bunch of LCD's and it kinda caught on...now I use it to gauge the coolness of a new members...you super duper trooper!


haha gotcha. :)


Any movies or TV shows that dig up old fairy tale or fantasy crap for some modernized version, especially if it's an "exploring the origin of" kind of thing.

Worst example right now is Once Upon A Time. Ugh! Grimm -- PUKE. Even Supernatural falls into this category. Bright was just atrocious. Pan is a random example (the Peter Pan origin story from 3 years ago). The list goes on and on and on, for many years into the past.
