Tarantino Under Fire Now. Enough Already.
When one would hope that the media would concentrate on investigating actual abuse in the industry, and in all walks of life for that matter, instead it's become a goddam farce with a focus on decades old allegations that were never proven, and celebrities like Matt Damon getting in trouble for inappropriate phrasing. Since nothing has been taken to trial, we're left with celebrities at each other throats over who they worked with, what they were supposed to have apparently known, and feigning regret.
Now there's Tarantino coming under pressure. I've never been much of a fan and I found the wording he used in defense of Polanski questionable during a radio interview with Howard Stern in 2003. It seems this was only dug up after his treatment of Uma Thurman during Kill Bill came to light - which he apologized for and Uma had apparently forgiven him anyway. But that's not enough, so we get digging into his past, outrage ONLY now of his Polanski defense, celebrities feigning regret over having worked with him, and Rose McGowan accusing him of displaying a foot fetish (?). What the fuck...Add to that we have social media "commentators" using the subject of his films to judge him, along with actress Jessica Chastain tweeting that "his films used violence against female characters as a plot device to make them stronger." Huh? Where's the empowerent supposed to come from in drive-in homage action flicks like Kill Bill? Have men in action/crime films never been depicted overcoming violent adversity?
Nevertheless, we've gotten to the point when art is being used to denigrate character, assisted by random Tweets becoming click bait news stories setting off social media wars. Reactionaism is now the name of the game every which way.