MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best remake ever?

Best remake ever?

There have been lots of terrible remakes (Ghostbusters anyone?),but some are outstanding. What is you favorite remake ever?

I'm leaning towards Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,but The Departed is amazing,and might be first on my list.


Reservoir dogs

Invasion of the body snatchers


Reservoir dogs is a remake?!


City on fire (1987)

Although Quentin didn’t acknowledge it at first.


I'll have to check it out.


Thanks, I'll check it out 👍


It looks like Steven Spielberg is going ahead with carrying out his plans for a re-make of the film West Side Story, and he wants it to be in the theatres by 2020. I'll say this, however: I'm not looking forward to it. West Side Story is an iconic classic that stands alone, and therefore should be left alone.


Am I the only one here that wants a "Congo" 1995 Remake? HaHa!


The Fly (1986) is considered a classic.


I like A Perfect Murder (1998), which is a remake of Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder (1954) because it isn't a strict remake... They change a few things and put it in a, then, contemporary setting... The original is still better, but I like having both of them...

My favourite has to be Vanilla Sky (2001) by Cameron Crowe.. It's a remake of a Spanish film Abre Los Ojos (1997) (Open Your Eyes) by Alejandro Amenábar... Crowe's movie captures some of the spirit and mood of the Spanish original despite feeling very American and starring Tom Cruise... Interestingly, Penelope Cruz plays the same role in both films... Both great movies that owe a lot to Hitchcock's Vertigo


I've seen John Carpenter's The Thing and David Cronenberg's The Fly both listed and those are probably the top of my list. Not quite as high up but the Dawn of the Dead remake was really well done. I think it's the only Zack Snyder movie I really like.


Forgot about DotD,it was great!


The Coen brothers TRUE GRIT


Night of the living dead 1990
