Seems more like Oscar PR opportunism than hypocrisy... 🤔
If we're inclined to be charitable towards her and give her the benefit of the doubt, we can consider that as people age, they change, as does their perspective and Allen is an accepted and mainstream filmmaker... but, that was a mere 5 years ago when she was mid-career and a 29 year old actress with half a dozen credits to her name... 😁
I don't think we can say for sure that she is a hypocrite, as she says she regrets working with him, but realistically this seems like opportunism... as does the pre-emptive will-not-work-with-him-again comment, since how many further films is he likely to make and how likely is he to make her an offer anyway, especialky since he hasn't hired her in the past 5 years and she only had the tiniest role in his movie...
i refuse to assist in developing the new Bond movie due to it's encouragement of espionage, not that anyone has offerred me that role! or is ever likely to 😁😂😉