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Netflix question

I never had Netflix, mainly because I have no idea how to wire it to my TV.........Now, FIOS has it on a specific channel, so I signed up on Friday.

I finally got to watch The Big Short. Well, half of it. I went to to watch the rest of it on Saturday, and it disappeared. (I think I got my dates right).

Could I have somehow signed up and watched half of it on the last day that The Big Short was on Netflix - or am I doing something wrong? I can't find a list of current movies or expiration dates or anything that would help.


I can't help you with your problem, but if you have the streaming feature, I highly recommend Black Mirror and The End of the Fucking World. I hear Preacher is very good also, but I have not seen it.



I just checked.
It looks like it's only available on DVD.
It's quite possible it left. Movies come and go every month.


Thanks. Where did you check?


I just logged into my Netflix account.
It would really suck to have that happen within a few days.
Seems kind of weird that it would happen a week into the new month.

I would think it would happen at the end or beginning of the month.


Exactly what I was thinking.
