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Maybe these people who are protesting at the Golden Globes should have spoken up long ago

Instead of putting on this saving-face display that is truly mind-boggling in its hypocrisy. It's like all the Catholics and there phony outrage and shock about the child sex scandal when in truth so many knew about it. The children didn't interest these Catholics only their reputations, egos and the criminal organization they've been brainwashed to support irrespective of children or anything else that it might destroy. Disgusting.


You're generalizing. This is the same tactic done to demean any group of people be it race, color, or creed throughout history.

I'm not a Catholic but know as a fact that the only Catholics who knew for sure about the molestation of boys were those directly involved either by the assaults or the cover ups. The rank and file Catholics were indeed as shocked and outraged as everyone else. I have several friends who are Catholic and several have left the church over the cover up as well as other issues unrelated to the argument. Phony outrage and shock? You know this how?

It's disgusting IMO to demean every Catholic because you happen to hate the church. You could not be more insulting or hateful if you tried.

Back to your original point, let's not assume that those protesting knew about the level of depravity of Hollywood. Those actors so assaulted and those who committed those assaults and those who covered up those assaults for them knew about it. The rest is hearsay.

Most everyone knew about the "casting couch" that has been part and parcel of Hollywood since the silent film era and many folks figured it was a quid pro quo to get an acting job. Despite my awareness of how immoral Hollywood has always been, I admit to being stunned at the level and forcefulness of it.


I didn't say all Catholics I said many.


many from within the hierarchy


You said:

It's like all the Catholics and there phony outrage and shock

That means to me a great percentage if not all. But the bigger question is why use that as an example? I don't have much use for the Catholic church either. The cover up is but one of my problems with the Church but by and large most practicing Catholics I know personally (the ones that actually put their fannies in the pews every Sunday) are fine quality people who love their country and try to raise their kids with respect for authority and a moral compass.

It's the average people on the street that concerns me, not the Vatican.


Many of them felt alone and didn't want to risk their careers. It's very common with sexual harassment and assault, as is the embarrassment associated with coming forward, not to mention people simply not believing them or questioning their motives for saying something.

What you're seeing is a big emergence of the "buddy system" where they are supporting each other and turning it into a movement, because each one of those women knows the difficulty of coming forward.


Anyone saw the Trailer for the 50 shades third movie 🤣😂 it’s playing on the same channel as the Golden Globe “boycott/wear black” is that a bit hypocritical? Women empowerment by showing a lady in bdsm lol


Well, it was female readers who popularized that franchise in the beginning, so that's on them. Just shows how many wonderfully freaky ladies there are ;)


I remember recently reading an article about how Bernard Law, who, as you know, was at the center of the sex scandal in Boston, would receive a full Vatican funeral. That annoyed me which in turn was probably why I used the Church as an example in my rant. The people though who fill the pews aren't the problem -- it's the hierarchy. I should have been more specific with my condemnation of the Catholic Church. I apologize for that. I too know many Catholics and while their religion is something that doesn't resonate with me I do applaud the amount of kindness they have shown those who have fallen on hard times.


AMEN, Turnip!

