MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Rian Johnson is a terrible director

Rian Johnson is a terrible director

After Brick and Looper, Disney still allowed this POS to direct The Last Jedi? LOL! Looper full of time travel plot holes, Brick, full of contradictions and conveniences. All movies have terrible shot composition and bad shaky cam.


Some say that paul ws anderson is a terrible director.


It's too bad you're not a director to show us all how it's really done.


I find it darkly amusing to see the "fanboys" behaving like a bunch of Mean Girls, picking on the "Last Jedi" people like a bunch of high school girls criticizing some rival's outfit. Meow, fanboys!

But if there's a major talent among the new Star Wars directors, IMHO it'd be Gareth Edwards. His "Godzilla" was surprisingly good, he almost compensated for a ridiculously weak script with great camera work, and "Rogue One" is a damn good movie.


I really enjoyed Rogue One
Excellent movie


Can I ask if you've seen Edwards' "Godzilla"?

You seem to be a sensible person, and I've always wondered if I'm overpraising that film because of some snazzy camera work, or if it really is the work of an emerging talent.


Tell me about it...i don't post on the last jedi board,it's full of haters,no one to have a good discussion about this movie.


They're astonishingly horrible people, aren't they? Totally unaware than they've allied with the Dark Side of the Force, although at the lowest possible level.

But sometimes I can't resist the urge to make fools of them, and sometimes I avoid them for my own peace of mind. So I do post there sometimes.


I don't even bother to post there anymore,i visit it sometimes,but when i see what threads are there,i'm reluctant to start a discussion.It's a shame,though.


It really is a shame, but yeah, the toxic "fanboys" have managed to run off almost everyone who understands and appreciates "Star Wars".

Which leaves them free to assure each other that the toxic ones are the only True Fans, because yeah, they really are horrible people.


Coming from someone who has been attempting to make a few short films, even making a 2 minute movie isn’t easy. Now try living up to the expectations of making a Star Wars movie. In my opinion, there are WAY worse directors and if you’re good enough to make a STAR WARS movie you obviously have a decent amount of talent..


Why do you say that, and why are you so bitter towards this guy?



So true
