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Suggestions for good tv series that are worth seeing this holidays

I arleady brought season 2 of gotham and season 4 of TZ.Any other recomandations?


Vikings (History channel) is very entertaining
The battle scenes are quite well done
Its kind of stupid sometimes though:/
Smilf on demand is funny...a lady with a bunch of issues tries out for pro-women's basketball...pretty amusing but a bit raunchy
I liked it


I must admit,they do know how to make a trailer for it,thank you.


Most welcome croft
It pretty good...funny but sad at the same time


The Blu-rays of Vikings are more graphic than what The History Channel shows us in The States. I think SMILF is over Alice's head, but I am glad that you are enjoying it, Shogun.

It's hard to find good TV at this time of year. The broadcasters know that social imperatives limit our watching time now, and so do the sponsors. Folks won't be buying stuff next week. They will be returning/exchanging stuff. Series go on hiatus at this time of year. Premium Cable reserves its blockbuster premiers until after the New Year, when The Holidays are over and we're all freezing to death, home bound, cacooned. NOW is the time for On Demand, and for Hard Media.


Yeah ive heard the European version of Vikings contains more nudity than the US one...this stuff never fails to amuse me
I see guys get their heads shot off on TV every night but God save us all from boobies lol


Who needs blu - ray's when is free for download and without comercials.Thank you again


Season 4 is probably the worst of the five TZ seasons - I hate to be a downer.


It can't be that bad,it's shorter then the previous ones though.


the episodes are one hour - keep an open mind anyway.


I always do.


I look forward to your opinion on S4




Now that i have the time to watch it,i will express my opinion very soon.And i saw the x files movies,i found them interesting.I was surprised that they had a relationship.


the series was way better than the movies - especially the standalone episodes.


Very good ratings,i see.That makes me curious about this series.Thank you,sir.


The first 3 seasons are the best, croft.


The x files?


The X Files' later seasons get a bit heavy on the whole mythology thing...not bad but as hownos and Stratego seem to be saying the early stand alone eps are best
You might like Fringe as well...its a similar show and lots of fun


I do have the entire series of Fringe on dvd.Some time ago a sob stoled the disk that contained season 1.Can you believe that,a piece of plastic.


You might find it on line...


I did,we are a nation of "thiefs".I'm embarassed by it.


Yes. I didn't mind the main story arc in the first season, but like Shogun says, the stand alone episodes in the early seasons are the best.

If you don't mind violence and nudity and kind of a slow burner, I recommend Boardwalk Empire.


Nudity is not my thing,but thank you.


Since you're a Breaking Bad fan, you might want to check out the spinoff Better Call Saul, if you haven't already.


I haven't.I saw some videos with it,it's about lawyers,right?


It's about Saul Goodman, who was Walter and Jesse's lawyer in Breaking Bad. There are a few other tie-ins as well. I've only seen the first of three seasons, but it's pretty good so far.


Copy all.Thank you


The Punisher and the serial killer series on Netflix are both good... forget what it was called because the name was generic sounding.


If you're on Netflix, Broadchurch is one of the best crime series I've ever seen. Luther is excellent and so is Stranger Things.


Horace and Pete
