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Cell phones out during the movie

I saw the new star Wars movie last weekend,and despite there being THREE different lead ups asking people to not get out their cell phones, plenty of people did. It definitely seems to be the under 30 crown, generally, who thinks they are above this rule. Why do people think it's ok to distract someone from something they paid for,so they can check their phones. It amazes me that so many youth have this "the rules don't apply to me" mentality.


Yes, that is super annoying.


And it's not like three hours is a lot of time. The person two seats away from me (empty seat between us) pulled out his/her phone for a moment and damn that screen was bright. Thankfully they only checked for a few seconds.


It wasn't at star Wars,but I had a guy in front of me take his put and just started scrolling through Facebook. Very politely,I asked him to put his phone away and his girlfriend leans over to him and says "I told you people don't like that". No shit!


I even dislike sitting too far back in the theater because the glowing exit signs on each side of the theater are visible and distracting... And in the theater I frequent, they are pretty bright exit signs. Not sure why they have to be so bright.


I'm the same way!


Incredible how dense and immature some people are.





Most movies,I'd have to say that 10 times.


Amen! U da man!



That is disgusting, and extremely irritating. As you say, some people think the rules don't apply to them. At times like that
I wish I could call Scotty, and have them beamed up to the Enterprise, or maybe just zap them with a phaser set to stun.



It's an addiction. These assholes cannot stop themselves. We've created a generation of unsocialized zombies.


Same here.I watched the movie last friday. A person talked at the phone,another one texting.You came to watch a movie,not to watch at your phone.πŸ™„


And this is why the future of the movie theater is grim. Will you confiscate mobile phones and laser pointers at the ingress? Will you chuck churls off the premises? Very probably not, because you, theater manager, will think that you are alienating your customer base, and,you know what? You are probably right! YOUR clientele is uncivilized children. What self-respecting adult would subject him/herself to a comic book/science-fiction movie in a frigging movie theater? In the US, at least, being in public becomes more unpleasant with each passing second. There are 'way too many uncivilized assholes in our world, which is why this holiday shopping season has set a record for lowest number of customers shopping in brick and mortar stores. They may come into the store to pick up their online purchase, but all they have to do is to wait in a line, collect their stuff, and leave. They don't have to be a part of a social matrix of troglodytes who were born to parents who were not qualified to have children, because their parents were born to parents who lacked the same qualifications.

On the bright side, we have home theaters!


I generally go during not very busy sessions and I will check my phone or google things about the movie. I make sure my screen brightness is very low.

I hate when others do it throughout and it is distracting.

But sometimes a movie is so slow that I might need a 30 second time out. It's just how we are wired these days. We can't be bored, we must feed our brains need for stimuli. It got so bad for me that I couldn't even read a page of a book without needing to check my phone, so I used a countdown timer on my watch and said "nothing but one thing for 25 minutes". It was very hard but I managed to train myself to focus on one thing only for that period.


What a breath of fresh air.

Very few people would have thought to dim the screen or limit cell phone usage during a movie to 30 second breaks. Or to keep their activity movie related.

If everyone would do just that, they'd have the same chance of winning a Moviegoer Courtesy Award.
