Considering these two have a most unpleasant afterlife awaiting those who -- gasp! -- might actually want nothing to do with them.
It's revolting to me that Christmas revolves around such an intolerant ass wipe. Jesus, nor Allah, deserve holidays in their honor, much less religions. When are people going to wake up and realize this?
We need a new God -- someone who is loving, tolerant and not a psychopath.
I'm going to have to look that up. I find gods fascinating. I have National Graphics book of Gods somewhere in my house; it's quite a fascinating read. Recently I brushed up on Ayer's Rock, or Uluru, which is a rock in Northern Australia sacred to the Aboriginal people of the region.
Angular, Jesus is my lord and savior, and He is loving, giving, merciful, warm and beautiful. You need not agree with this; but here is a statement that I know you will consider: His Word has not always been interpreted and spread by people who love Him, believe in Him and have accepted Him into their hearts, and perhaps didn't care about their fellow people either, but who have had very well-defined political, economic and/or social agendae. I have been a scholar my whole life, but I have gotten to know Jesus--and He, me--through my heart.
I completely agree with your sentiment that religions should gather their respective flocks not with menace and coercion, but instead with love, hope, faith and acceptance. I have great respect for you as a poster in this community. I hope that is clear. With a very few exceptions (because both occult and theological study are among my disciplines, and there are some very ugly things out there I will not name), I respect all other religions. The means do not matter, the result matters. Does your particular faith empower you, thrill you, inspire you, fill your life and your heart with light? Then it is right for you. Does your faith frighten you, limit you, frustrate you, make demands without returning palpable rewards? Then it is not right for you. In my experience, both personal and observational, it's really that simple. And simple is hard to do.
Footnote: Jesus is the Son of God, He is not God. He is an avatar, which literally means a dragoman (interface) between the Christian God, Yahwey (often called Jehova, albeit not in Hebrew), and Humakind. Allah is the God of Islam.
The Christ you just described is a being obviously worthy of devotion. Unfortunately, too many Christians -- for instance, the ones who comprise the likes of Moody Radio -- believe in a Jesus far removed from the one you've just acquainted me with. Moody Radio's Jesus, IMHO is an asswipe. Among others, Moody's Jesus has no tolerance for Muslims, gays or the non-believer. Moody, though, I'm well aware, is only one among many thousands of different kinds of Christianity existing in the world today. The above rant I reserve for the Jesus who is at the forefront of Moody and other similar kinds of Christianity. Those interpretations of the Bible have no place in a civilized society. And I wish the poor, deluded, and bigoted souls who see these interpretations as sacrosanct would find themselves a less uncouth source of hope ... for the sake of us all.
I don't know what a "Moody Radio" is nor am I (as an agnostic) inclined to investigate it.
But I've read many of the teachings of Jesus (a real person even the atheists admit lived) and there is nothing in his writings that would suggest he is anything as you characterized him.
Even if we are to dismiss Jesus as being nothing more than a delusional human, the world would be a paradise if everyone lived by his teachings.
The OP's premise is flawed in that humanity will find a way to foul up anything whether that be religion, politics, etc.. The teachings of God and Jesus are in print for anybody to follow if they feel the person standing at the front of the temple, church, or mosque is not getting the point across. I think that the basics such as the Ten Commandments or Love Thy Neighbor really are straightforward and do not require interpretation.
I agree and i wonder why jesus is depicted with caucasian features,even though - according with the bible - was born in the middle - east🤔
Totally off the subject, but as a black man, I was surprised to learn that Middle Easterners were far more "white" two thousand years ago than they are now, for the same reason that humanity, should it survive itself, will be pretty much mono colored at some future point in history. Blacks never seem to had much trouble accepting Jesus even though he's generally depicted as white (and a Jew!) because his message, if anything, is completely exclusive of color. But I will confess that one of my aunts has a black Jesus in her kitchen!
If I was a follower and believer in Jesus as the son of God, I wouldn't care what level of skin pigmentation he possessed, nor if he was short, balding, or had a nassaly lisp. It's the message that would be important to me. Indeed, if one was to follow the teachings of Jesus, one would realize he would be furious at anyone who judged someone not by their character, but the color of their skin (with apologies to Martin).
I think that it is human nature to want to see a religious figure in our own image no matter how wrong headed that is. There was a American television series Good Times about a black inner city family in Chicago. One episode was about the eldest kid painting a picture of Jesus as a black man. Who is to say that is anymore or any less accurate than how a white man interprets Jesus. I would have to believe if Jesus were to appear on Earth today it would be most probable that he would appear having features like those in the area where he chose to appear.
Actually, Jesus is God. He is one of the Holy Trinity, which is God. And is one, not three. He is also Word, which is God. He is also the Son of God, but yet still God. And he is also Man, which is human.
Nothing of this makes sense, but other religions are not making any sense too, so that's all right.
First: putting "god" in parentheses is a mockery and is completely inappropriate in this discussion. I am offended.
Second, we are discussing monotheistic religions, and you are randomly bringing in the pantheistic religion of the Aztecs. I know you don't understand, and I do not care.