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Which type of democracy do you prefer? (Presidential or Parliamentary)

Presidential: Powerful Head of State is Head of Government

Examples: US, Mexico, Philippines

Parliamentary: Head of State is ceremonial, Head of Government is elected from the legislative body

Examples: UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan

Semi Presidential: Head of State has considerable power but cabinet (including Head of Government) is elected from the legislative body.

Examples: France

I'll say Presidential because as a citizen I think the U.S. is still okay. There's nothing wrong with the other systems, though.


Bourgeois revolution with the heads of the ruling class on pikes!


Comunism,i'm sick of democracy.


Since I had relatives behind the Iron Curtain I'll assume you are joking.


No,i'm not.Since we have democracy,these bastards had sale our country,we have many debts...but,without the infamous Security,many people say it was better when ceaușescu was alive.


Many people dream the dream of utopian communism where the wealth is divided evenly and the government is benevolent towards all but it will remain just a dream. Given human nature communism as practiced is a nightmare for most with a dictator as ruler using a secret police as an arm for control. No thanks, I'll take a government such as we have here as imperfect and flawed as it is at times. No way that I would opt for something where the leader is not subject to checks and balances.


you are too young to remember Ceausescu


I know everything about my country history,sir.


Communism was and is a disaster.


I won't argue with you about this,sir but i tell you this : the democracy that we have since the '90's it's not working.


The problem with the parliamentary system as here in Canada is that a government with a majority in parliament is basically a dictatorship - no checks and balances.


The USA is NOT a democracy. That would be mob rule. We are a representative Republic.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

Ben Franklin



I've been a little used to both presidential and parliamentary. But I'd slightly go with the former?
