Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)
Anybody play this MMORPG?
I last played it earlier this year. I'm thinking about coming back to it because of all the Star Wars buzz.
Anybody play this MMORPG?
I last played it earlier this year. I'm thinking about coming back to it because of all the Star Wars buzz.
Sorry Salmon
Not a gamer (all the buttons and so a spaz) but i love everything Star Wars
I say go for it!
Yes, I will! Thanks!
shareMost welcome
Im gonna try to find a youtube playthrough
Get back to you
I found several 'playthroughs' on Youtube
One guy was a huge nerd who spent a ridiculous amount of time picking out a hairstyle for his Jedi f'ing nerds man:)
Found some German guy who got right into the fighting...amazing graphics and some really cool story going stuff
Enjoy try but i suck at videogames...i quit after Nintendo Duckhunt:/
Haven't played it (don't game on PC). I've played both Knights of the Old Republic games on the Xbox though. Fantastic games. Highly recommended.