
The latest events made me to believe that my...obssesions are starting to upset many people here and because of that,the things are getting worse for me,so from this moment forward i will stop mentioning about them,there won't be any discussions made by me on this subject until March 16,2018.

Have a nice day.


OK, I'll bite. What happens on March 16, 2018?



A wild guess, the tomb raider movie comes out. This guy.. lol


Yup the new one is out that day.


Cold Turkey?
You cant do it man...wont last a week!


I have to do this.


Best wishes;)


Not long enough!


I'm thinking on make this permanent.




It caused me enough of trouble i'll keep it to myself for now on.I'm sorry.


ugh. the wrong person is apologizing.
When I was a little kid I loved horses so much, that every spelling test or book report, I drew horses in the margins of the paper, every book I picked to read was about horses , etc etc. Classmates teased me constantly because I had this obsession and I forced myself to stop. I gave up on an interest that I really loved.
But they just found other things to tease me about and they just found other people to bully about some harmless thing, like the boy who loved Spiderman.
It's always something. it's always someone. Usually not the most annoying person.


It's not long enough, Strat, but he's going to crack anyway, so any vow he makes is worthless.


We'll got out our pitchforks and have a good mob lynching if he does.


Pitchforks and torches, and a guy named Igor😈


And don't forget your wooden stake! Maybe some silver bullets, just in case.


This should be interesting...


yes a good idea to broaden your horizons as I have been recommending for months.


Many had said this to me,sir...but i didn't listen.


You posted something about Black Friday a couple of days ago and were attacked for that too. I also recall someone complaining about you apologizing too much. Point being, bitter and miserable people will always find something to be bitter and miserable about.



What did people do before the internet?


Why do you ask me?


Because you like to make announcements on the internet. Lets say its 1980, how would you make the same kind of announcement?


word of mouth/telephone/letters/bulletin boards etc.


That would be possible, but on the internet nobody knows who you are. Its the anonymity that people like.


true - croft is only 29 so he more or less grew up with the internet.


Guess that makes sense. I suppose the same can be applied to smart phones these days. I saw 4 people sitting together all looking at their phones and not talking to each other.


I really don't think it 'upsets' people, it's more like something they can rib you about. It's not doing any harm to them, so if they mention it to you I think it's just some friendly mocking. At least I hope it is friendly.
Everyone's got mannerisms or quirks, and other people's are just as annoying (if not more so.) Don't let it cramp your style.


My style remain the same,Popcorn Kernel...


Not "upset." "Angry at" the banality and toxicity of posts so repititive they imply the poster is a troll who knows perfectlly well that s/he is trying to attract attention. I am not even sure this person is not a native English-speaker. "Oh, I don't understand . . . English is not my language . .!." Then why are you here? I'm certain there are websites in your native tongue. I think you are a clever, and contemptible, troll, who has adopted a persona of, "oh, poor, poor, pitiful me," but are, in fact, someone on the order of Ben Cesar, who is trolling this site.

No, Popcorn, it's not ruibbing. It's throwdown serious. This is a toxic poster with problems, and I don't like it.


you are comparing him to Ben Cesar ??


Nothing more banal and toxic than some bitter, arrogant drunk who likes to bully people.

β€œThrowdown serious”. So pathetic.


Elegantly said.


I am calling unnecessary roughness on this one.


posted a day ago by croft_alice (4351)
The latest events made me to believe that my...obssesions are starting to upset many people here and because of that,the things are getting worse for me,so from this moment forward i will stop mentioning about them, "there won't be any discussions made by me on this subject until March 16,2018"

you're just like my wife, during an argument, she's always saying "I won't say another word" but she keeps on talking,
and that's what you are doing, reply after reply, so are you a liar or just clueless?


I'm not a liar.When i say i do something,i keep my word.


He said he wasn't going to post about Tomb Raider, not that he wasn't going to post at all. I suspect you listen to your wife with the same degree of attentiveness.


Tomb Raider? let me see.....
posted a day ago by croft_alice (4351)
"The latest events made me to believe that my...obssesions are starting to upset many people here and because of that,the things are getting worse for me,
so from this moment forward i will stop mentioning about them, "there won't be any discussions made by me on this subject until March 16,2018"

NOPE... Nothing about Tomb Raider, BTW @ Alice, obsession is spelled with 3 S's not 4


His obsessions are Tomb Raider and Resident Evil. You'll know if you're a long time Moviechat dweller.


I πŸ’œ you.


Awww how sweet, thank you! You must be his wife πŸ˜€



I renounce my purple heart.
