They are not hypocrites when there is no way to detach from the system.
You should check out a documentary called "The End Of Poverty" and pay
attention to the part about how the European Imperial powers ran their
First they came in and imposed their own land ownership on the indigenous
people. They had register or buy their own land ... from the King or Queen,
if they even could. If not, they have to move out, usually from the best
land. That's why the rebels always live in the mountains ... because there is
not farmland in the mountains. So, the people cannot survive and they have
to move en masse to the cities where they "owe their souls to the company
store" in effect. They have to buy food, they have to pay rent, they have to
pay tribute and taxes to the regent, and occasionally fight in their wars ...
all while not being granted full citizenship rights, and being generally treated
as subhuman.
Their societies, families and survival systems were torn apart, and if they did
not like it, if they did anything about it they faced execution or war. It is not
hypocrisy. A lot of Conservatives love to talk about Liberal and Freedom and
personal responsibility ... but it is all BS. The system is a prison for most
people where they must sell their labor at the largest profit possible to the
system, while the system does nothing for them and exploits and destroys
their environment and social cohesion.