MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hypocrisy of modern day environmentalism

Hypocrisy of modern day environmentalism

I read an online article a couple of days back that took quite a few industries including agriculture and energy to task. It's great to suggest that everyone besides the writer should live like they are a caveman sans the part about hunting animals and wearing skins. But how many of these environmentalists walk the walk as well as talk the talk? Building computers by the millions and ones that do not last more than several years surely are not positive for the environment. There would be less impact by using paper to spread a message about the environment which can be recycled for less of an negative impact on the environment.


Do you realize how many trees are put down for a piece of paper...did you saw how many forrests were put down over the years? an outrage.


That is water under the bridge plus long ago many recognized the need for conservation therefore trees being replanted to protect the local ecosystems. Further, recycling has been long implemented in the case of paper greatly reducing the need for trees to cut for paper. Once the byproducts in terms of harmful emissions and heavy metals are created they are there when computers are built.


Replanted...not in my country and yes the computers are getting smarter then homo - sapiens.Those who only speak about protecting the nature are cowards,for me.We need actions not words.



Depends on the quality strived for in each case. Where are you trying to go with your statement? I am from the US where paper recycling and tree replanting have been going on for decades.



I was thinking a thing and i wrote totally something else...what i wanted to say is...from what i know for the fabrication of a single notebook 20 trees are been used...and replanting trees is a rare thing in Romania.



It's very good,but they actually do it or are only words?



Is this a requirement by law or is it done voluntarily? There is a lot I do not know about the practices here in the US but some is pushed by state law which is good. An example of a law working for the benefit of the many.



It's good to know that in other countries the thing are actually done and not just words.


A necessary requirement since as every generation passed there are twice as many assholes! ;-)


straw man argument


They are not hypocrites when there is no way to detach from the system.

You should check out a documentary called "The End Of Poverty" and pay
attention to the part about how the European Imperial powers ran their

First they came in and imposed their own land ownership on the indigenous
people. They had register or buy their own land ... from the King or Queen,
if they even could. If not, they have to move out, usually from the best
land. That's why the rebels always live in the mountains ... because there is
not farmland in the mountains. So, the people cannot survive and they have
to move en masse to the cities where they "owe their souls to the company
store" in effect. They have to buy food, they have to pay rent, they have to
pay tribute and taxes to the regent, and occasionally fight in their wars ...
all while not being granted full citizenship rights, and being generally treated
as subhuman.

Their societies, families and survival systems were torn apart, and if they did
not like it, if they did anything about it they faced execution or war. It is not
hypocrisy. A lot of Conservatives love to talk about Liberal and Freedom and
personal responsibility ... but it is all BS. The system is a prison for most
people where they must sell their labor at the largest profit possible to the
system, while the system does nothing for them and exploits and destroys
their environment and social cohesion.
