Dark movies ruined by happy endings
Minority Report
Brilliant choice.
Making mass murderer Vader a good guy coupled with the Ewok celebration is hard to stomach.
Child murderer!
Children, rebels, his own officers -- Vader made Freddy Krueger a straight up mass murderer-wannabe by comparison.
I wonder if audiences would buy Freddy Krueger redeemed ...
The original theatrical version of "Blade Runner."
share"Strangers on a Train."
"The Lost Weekend"
"Jaws" (Dreyfuss' character should have died -- like in the book)
The Dark Knight Rises was also somewhat ruined by the way they show the ending. Batman should just have gone and never be seen ever again, instead of dating Catwoman and being a family man. Too cute for such a dark movie born in the darkness and molded by it.
share"The Dark Knight Rises" and "Inception" have very ambiguous endings. Neither resolves the "dream vs reality" mystery at their core. Because of that I find both to my liking.
There's no excuse though for "Saving Private Ryan"'s pat epilogue (with the exception of "Raiders" and "Duel" Spielberg is incapable of ending his movies on a dour note, even when the material demands it).
I prefer to think that DKR's ending was a daydream for the reason you stated. But it probably wasn't.
shareThe mummy ( 2017).
I also think Shadow of a Doubt would've been better with a more ambiguous ending. Obviously, I don't think Hitchcock always made the right decisions.
"Rear Window." Stewart's character was odious and should have been offed by his neighbor.
I think "Vertigo" was the only Hitchcock movie with an unhappy ending.
I disagree with you on Rear Window. He was jerky towards Grace Kelly, but that was really because he was feeling insecure about himself and their relationship. It was not enough to want him dead, it was only thanks to him that a killer was caught. Rear Window is probably my favourite Hitchkock movie together with Rope.