MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Proof Democrats Want To Ban Guns!

Proof Democrats Want To Ban Guns!

This is for Brux and others who may agree with “No, no Democrat, not one, has proposed a gun ban, and the slippery slope argument is just a way to avoid thinking so the NRA can continue to protect gun manufacturers.”

Anti-gun Democrats on 12/15/2015 introduced to the House H.B.4269. The bill includes the following:

“The term ‘semiautomatic pistol’ means any repeating pistol that—

“(A) utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round; and

“(B) requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.

“(31) The term ‘semiautomatic shotgun’ means any repeating shotgun that—

“(A) utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round; and

“(B) requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge.”;”

To make it clear for those that can’t see beyond the end of their noses. The term “semi-automatic” means any pistol which would use a magazine (a contraption where ammo is inserted) to chamber (feed) another bullet into the barrel after a round (bullet) has been fired. The magazine only chambers after each pull of the trigger. This occurs after racking (moving the slide) which chambers the first round. The trigger is not continuously held back. These are the type guns which most people legally own. Some gun owners prefer a revolver, especially women.

An automatic keeps firing as long as the trigger is held back or until the magazine is empty. Fully automatic weapons are banned in the US as they are considered “assault” weapons. BTW, an AR-15 by itself is not an assault weapon unless it has been modified to be fully automatic. It is a semi-automatic weapon manufactured for civilians based upon the fully automatic one used by the military.

So, as per this bill most of the guns we own would be illegal....BANNED!


Revolvers present a tactical disadvantage against a criminal armed with a semi-auto and a 15 round clip, which is the main reason the police have all switched over. But they are also very reliable. You don't have to worry about them jamming on you at the worst possible time.

Politically, a blanket ban on semi-autos is a non-starter. I seriously doubt it would ever pass even at the state level in the most anti-gun states.


And the one linked to is from 2015


I mentioned the year 2015 in the beginning of the post, but that doesn’t change the fact this is really what they want. I linked the H.B. because poster Brux stated not one Democrat has ever proposed a gun ban.


To be clear, though, not even a sweeping semiautomatic ban would be a full "gun ban"...



I think that semi-automatic and automatic assault weapons should be banned. They kill too many people too quickly.


Automatic has always been banned. Semi-auto will never be banned.


The automatic assault weapons went into affect when Bill Clinton was President, and was rescinded when G. W. Bush was elected.


"Donnie, you're out of your element!"


I was surprised to learn LE doesn’t use fully automatic weapons. Apparently they are used by only the military which is odd in itself as fully autos are not as accurate. Unless they are used for strafing and accuracy doesn’t matter. I just answered my own question! LE would not use strafing tactics.
