MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Think this upcoming Netflix animated ser...

Think this upcoming Netflix animated series has gone too far? [NSFW link]

Really... its official trailer is very NSFW. The above link could immediately become restricted from there, but you have been warned if you were to encounter something about this show elsewhere.

The trailer has already earned itself backlash for its premise and content. It’s a raunchy comedy series that Nick Roll made about kids going through puberty. Many could see this as a borderline form of pedophilia.

I...personally don’t understand how an idea like this got greenlighted for Netflix to begin with. Why is the title of the show even ‘Big Mouth’? Just to be a play on word for its ugly character design? I mean, everything about its premise does really seem more uncomfortable than funny. I think it’s particular hard to get past a scene that involves a talking underage girl’s genitalia! o_O I’ll probably just stick to Bojack Horseman from them if this one ends up being another Brickleberry or Allen Gregory.


It's coarse but I thought it was pretty funny.


just glad my kid is older


Absolutely disgusting! This for sure crosses the line. It's light pornography in an animation format!
Is there no end to the degeneration of society? It has now reached into cartoons! And I was seriously going to buy a few shares of Netflix stock. Instead I think a good move would be to drop my DVD/Streaming plans.


Kids are always going to want to act more like adults and be attracted to anything that would make them feel more grown up. This show is like sugary sweet gooey candy for them.

What type of children will be raising if a show like this becomes popular? I'll tell ya: cynical, rude trashy adults.

I have a teen, a tween and one in elementary school. I wish that I could protect my kids from this abomination of an animated tv series but I'm sure their friends and other kids from school will be discussing it with each other therefore undermining my parenting.

Society is slowly degenerating into a shit storm.


I've seen the trailer, and it's disgusting. But this type of trash will get lapped up by a lot of morons out there, so the degenerates who made it will make lots of lovely money.


"That bad, huh?"


It's coarse, but kids that age already talk MUCH coarser on their own. I didn't see anything that me and my friends didn't already know about at puberty age, and that was 40 years ago. Kids know even more now and they have access to hardcore porn when they have their first phone or computer. This will be tame for them.

I don't see anything even remotely similar to pedophilia. Nothing that a perv would consider arousing or would want to wank to. The talking vulva was so cartoonish it was not realistic at all and nobody is going to be like oooh yeah that is making me so horny.


This will be tame for them.

That one is sadly a very concerning statement. You're not wrong in a sense that kids would continue to have easier access to porn and such online. I remembered being in grade school when kids were starting to act crass and make jokes around the third and fourth grade. Stuff can be heard of and encountered online (even by accident) around middle school age and up. This was a little before social media became prominent at puberty age. Precocious puberty is actually taking place a lot for some kids nowadays, especially in girls.

With that said, has a lot of current societies become too desensitized from the 'sex sells' culture and other debauchery attitudes (or just sensationalization in general)? Even with the help of western media?

From a parental perspective, that I could see with barclay’s point, it could mean continuing to undermine good and strict parenting as much as possible. I may be overthinking this one a bit, but it would seem these hedonistic attitudes could also eventually lead to dumbing down people so much to the point of carelessness with increase birth rates, disease rates, poverty, welfare, negligence, health issues, domestic violence, and shorter lifespan in their lives. Then again, I could be digressing on that last point.


Certainly not for little kids
But the vid seemed pretty funny to me
Thx for link-im gonna watch this dumb shit and probably like it a lot
Cheers dude


Funny or not and NSFW aside, I can't stand to watch those ugly face drawings. It's like Fast & Furious movie but with Reliant Robin, Pontiac Aztek and Fiat Multipla as the only cars.
