Think this upcoming Netflix animated series has gone too far? [NSFW link]
Really... its official trailer is very NSFW. The above link could immediately become restricted from there, but you have been warned if you were to encounter something about this show elsewhere.
The trailer has already earned itself backlash for its premise and content. It’s a raunchy comedy series that Nick Roll made about kids going through puberty. Many could see this as a borderline form of pedophilia.
I...personally don’t understand how an idea like this got greenlighted for Netflix to begin with. Why is the title of the show even ‘Big Mouth’? Just to be a play on word for its ugly character design? I mean, everything about its premise does really seem more uncomfortable than funny. I think it’s particular hard to get past a scene that involves a talking underage girl’s genitalia! o_O I’ll probably just stick to Bojack Horseman from them if this one ends up being another Brickleberry or Allen Gregory.