MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > re IT CAME FROM THE GRAVE circa 1981.

re IT CAME FROM THE GRAVE circa 1981.

Anyone have a copy of The Psychotronic Video Guide or Videog to see if there was a movie called IT CAME FROM THE GRAVE circa 1979 - 1983?
Have searched and found theater ads but nothing else in IMDB, youtube, or wikipedia.

See copies of ad


No I never heard of that movie but I'll let you know if I see anything about it.


There is a short (4:56) film on You Tube with that title. Not sure if that's the one you want, but you might want to check it out.


"I Am the FBI."


Sorry, I should have updated, I finally found it by googling the tag line. It was another re-release of Deathdream (aka Dead of Night, King of the Grave). I even updated its IMDb profile.


Nice, glad you found what you were looking for.
