

The Mod is probably going to ask you to remove my name as it could be considered flaming.

Beside this fact, it was not Jim who said this, it was a Mod.

So I would write to Jim and WE should do OUR part to keep the General Discussion related to the theme of this site. Just because it is not enforced, does not mean we take the easy way out.

I should not have to be Captain Planet that saves the day while other people crap this site up!



I cannot be wrong if you asked a Mod and I think you said in one post that you actually contacted Jim. That is like asking a security guard what the Constitution means. You have got to be kidding me Dazed. You have to be more intelligent than that! Come on!



I will copy and paste that exact line, unless you deleted it.

Additionally, a Mod is not Jim.

Saying I am wrong may make you feel better or deny; however, it is NOT the same!




The best thing to do would be not to waste time. You are resorting to childlike tactics.

Have a good day Dazed.

*Assuming a picture of a toddler with fingers in her ears, screaming "La la la..I am not listening."



Okay...why would the Mod contradict Jim when Jim is the one that gave the Mod authority?


All of us mods, and we now have mods 4 & 5, are in agreement on this issue.

As I said to you, Arvin, it was Jim who subtitled this General Discussion board as "Talk about anything here," in addition to providing general boards for both film and TV. Making this board exclusive to the topics of film and TV would be redundant.

In addition, many, perhaps most, of your threads have been on topics that have nothing to do with either film or TV. They are welcome here, BTW.



We should have clarification from Jim and see if he wants it to be more related to TV/Movies/Suggestions About This Site.

If it is redundant on TV and Movies, it should be at least to suggestions and the TV/MOVIE general board should be moved here.

Let me know.






You're wrong, arvin. Accept it; you're human, just like the rest of us...except a certain troll.


Additionally, you see that the Discussion Board is a mess, yet you want to keep it that way because it is SO HARD for you to keep it related to movies/shows/topics about this site? Is it really that hard? Did you grow up hating rules so much that you want to be able to post freely because you can, no regulation? That's sad!



Yikes, I hope our future is not as bad as I predict it to be. Hopefully, you are way older than I or my generation and anything close to is screwed.

The discussion board IS a mess and there is no right or wrong about it.




Wrong about what?


About what "general discussion" means here. For one.


Whether or not the board is a mess is opinion, not fact, arvin. That includes your opinion. However, the FACT you can't accept what the mods have clarified makes you wrong here.

Age has nothing to do with anything. To use your own sentence structure above...Hopefully, you are way younger than many think you are and will grow up one day and become more mature instead of thinking things center around your demands. If your generation was all like you, we'd already (not all ready) be royally screwed.



I don't think anybody can or does except him


I think I got it...anything that doesn't relate with movies should be moved in general discussion...but I still don't understand why...if someone want to post about a movie in the general boards shouldn't do it...it makes no sense to me😯


Croft. Pretty much everyone here understands that General discussion is meant to be a board where you can talk/type about anything you care to discuss. You can even discuss movies. There is only one person here who feels differently about it. This one person insists that we should only discuss movie/tv related topics here. The odd thing is that this very same person seldom discusses movie related things here.
The mods have even explained this but the person in question still insists that everyone is wrong.
I hope that explains it. I hope I have it right.


You have it 100% correct, Margo. Notice the person you speak of has kind of gone into mini-hibernation for the last 20 hours or so. Last time that person did that was when that person got proven wrong about something else.




Yes,you got it right...but...you can call me stupid,but if I post about a game,then that post should be moved in the right board?...still make no sense🤔



Wait,I just had a revelation...like in resident evil revelations...anyway...i'm.also a member of imdforums and those mods can move posts on the right boards,I think that's why arvin said that...I could be wrong,though🤔



Well,then from my point of view the matter is settled😉



You are most certainly not stupid!
You can post about games here. Nothing wrong with that. In fact, if you do post about games, who knows? You may find a friend or two who shares your interests!


I did,MissMargo,but like I said before...i'm the only raider here😉


Hang in there. There has just got to be another raider here for you! LOL!
I'd better get off my rear end and get busy with other things. Maybe I can come back later. Other duties call......


I know exactly what you mean...see you down the road,MissMargo😉



I tried others too,Dazed,but not until two years ago when I bought a ps3 console.I am,let's say...very selective in what I play😉i'm not that good in movies,but in tomb raider and resident evil...well,I started to teach...in way😂😂😂


"So I would write to Jim and WE should do OUR part to keep the General Discussion related to the theme of this site."

NO. Bad dog!

There is a FILM GENERAL, and there is a GENERAL DISCUSSION. That disproves your point that every board has a film theme.

Now go to bed.



But do you think Film General should be moved to this part of the site?

It would do better for the image.



Up until we can get this suggestion passed, I will do my best to make the General Discussion board movie/film related. Feel free to spam it up. Good day!



Me and many other veterans that actually "get it" and are not childlike to get this passed.

Also, I thought this had blown over, why feel the need to keep bumping this post?




In life I am rarely ever wrong, I will just say that. You cannot even tell me what I was wrong about. lol

What I wanted enacted and still strive for is this to be a regulated community and for this main page to showcase that this site is movie related, thereby increasing traffic.

You are a person that hinders, you want it the way it is and that is fine. If you cannot get your way, you say that someone else is wrong or that you somehow won.

Too bad.

I will never admit I was wrong unless you give me solid examples.

Mods are NOT Jim.



Means nothing to anyone except you. lol



You kept responding to me and you are all ready reported! Ahead of you there...dazed. ;)


s/b "already" reported, not "all ready." Guess you were wrong there, arvin....


Means clarification to everyone except you, arvin. Sorry...not being mean; that's simply the fact. But OK, let's play...who, exactly, are these "many other veterans" you claim want the same thing? Please list them.


So far as I've been able to determine, the list goes like this:

1. arvin g borkar

- 30 -*

*(as an editor, you're one of the few who'll get that reference)


I'd say that's dead-on accurate, Cat. :-)



Stop fighting for such a silly thing...you look like a bunch of kids on the court-yard😉



You can say that i'm rude,but "it's kinda fun to watch"...seriously you do like a bunch of kids😂😂



Sure,why not😉anyway,I think i'm going to bring my bow and finish the job for you,Dazed😂😂😂


Again, well said in just a few words, Dazed



"In life I am rarely ever wrong"

Well, let's see...
-- You were wrong about certain grammar rules and use of commas
-- You were wrong using "all ready" instead of "already" in this very thread
-- You were wrong today about trivia games being on the GD board and the link being provided
-- You're wrong in stating as a fact your current obsession/opinion is the way MC was intended to be
-- You're wrong in accusing others of posting non-movie-related threads in GD when you've done it yourself dozens of times.
-- You're wrong in stating as fact GD is an extension of FG on the site
-- You were wrong about why many people have tinted car windows
-- You're wrong for being incapable of understanding, especially here, the difference between a request, a suggestion, and a demand.
-- You're wrong in acting as if you have partial ownership of this site
-- You're wrong in stating that your threads are literally "yours," and that gives you the right to dictate what can be posted in them.
... and that's just for starters


Keep this up and it will be cyberbullying because I get notifications from this as well. Good day!

This is one rule I will NOT be wrong about ;)



^Says the guy whose thread topics included his personal life and everything besides films and tv series.


Arvin thinks he runs this place. Ignore him.


already did, months ago.
I wonder who here has been put on iggy by the most people? There should be a special title or rank based on how many people have ignored them, instead of ranks based on post counts.
Someone theoretically might have the most posts seen by the least number of people.



Did it work, socky?
